What are Financial Derivative Products?
By A. D. D. Akmeemana
There is a serious discussion going on about financial derivatives (a
kind of financial instruments) in the media, political circles and other
sections of the general public after the disclosure of the Ceylon
Petroleum Corporation's (CPC) hedging activities and the alleged losses
suffered by the CPC due to these transactions. It seems, quite
understandably, that only a few in the general public has any
understanding about theses financial instruments.
Our objective here is to provide a basic introduction to a highly
technical area in finance. These instruments are being used for
speculative and risk management purposes by highly sophisticated and
experienced professionals. We will not discuss any of the CPC's alleged
activities relating to hedging transactions. It is purely an educational
discussion to make the public aware of what these instruments are and to
explain how they work. We will stick to the risk management aspects of
the contracts for simplicity. We will not discuss about the pricing of
the derivative, because it is a highly technical and mathematical in
There are two kinds of financial instruments, fundamental and
derivative. Stocks and bonds are fundamental instruments. Anybody with
money can invest in stocks and bonds.
A coupon bond holder's income will be the interest earned if it was
purchased in the primary market and held till maturity. If a coupon bond
is bought in the secondary market, income will be the interest received
plus any capital gain realised. Income of a stock will be the dividends
you receive, if any plus any capital appreciation at the time of the
sale of the asset.
Instead of buying stocks or bonds, the investor can buy derivative
products for the same purpose, to make money or to hedge any long or
short positions.
A derivative instrument is a contract whose value depends on
something else, commodity, security or an index. The value of the
derivative instrument depends on the value of the underlying asset.
Forward contracts
Derivatives are bought and sold for speculative and risk management
purposes as mentioned earlier.
Financial derivatives are forward contracts, futures contracts,
options, options on futures, swaps and options on swaps. We will explain
the very basics of them. Forward contracts sometimes are very simple
arrangements we all use at times. For example, one agrees to buy a piece
of land at one point in time but requiring the parties to execute the
terms of the contract at a future point in time.
A person who has a small plot of rubber might agree to sell the next
crop to a trader at an agreed price at present but the rubber to be
delivered and to receive payment on a future date. The buyer and the
seller secure the terms of the contracts at the time of the agreement.
But most forward contracts are not that simple.
There are two groups of people who deal with forward contracts,
speculators and hedgers. For example a builder may need timber in three
months time. He expects timber prices to go up in the near future and
does not want to buy and store it. There is a timber dealer who has
timber and expects the prices to go down. Both of them can come to a
contract today to hedge their perceived exposure to market volatility.
There is another group of people who assume risks for profit called
speculators who bring liquidity to the market. For instance a person who
wants timber in three months does not have to find a person who has
timber to sell in three months because speculators come forward and
assume the risk for a price. Both parties hedge their perceived
The contracts are negotiated by the parties involved (there are
brokers to bring the parties together) and there is no structural
arrangement to support the parties, which is a drawback of the forward
contracts. The biggest advantage of forward (OTC ) contracts over
futures contracts (discussed later) is the flexibility, and they can be
structured according to the requirements of the parties. The biggest
drawback for hedgers in developing countries like Sri Lanka is also the
same flexibility.
Futures contracts
The party who has more information, knowledge or any other influence
over the counterparts, can take advantage by structuring the contract to
their benefit at the expense of the other party. According to economic
theory, the market system fails in a situation like this due to
asymmetric information and moral hazard.
Futures contracts are special forms of forward contracts that are
designed to reduce the disadvantages associated with forward contracts.
They are nothing more than forward contracts whose terms have been
standardised so that they can be traded (much like securities) in the
Standardisation makes futures contracts less flexible than forward
agreements, but it makes it more liquid.
There is no futures exchange operating in Sri Lanka. In a futures
market like Chicago Mercantile Exchange all contracts are standardised
as to the quantity, price, delivery date, settlement and the other major
terms of the contract. Participants do not have to find counterparties
and contracts are transparent because they are created by the exchange.
The exchange is the clearing house and parties are dealing directly
with the exchange which takes the responsibility of the performance of
the contract. This is a very efficient market and futures contract
prices are indicative of the future spot prices; and this feature is
known as price discovery.
The parties who enter into a forward contract are on their own, and
they have to take all precautions to safeguard their interests. If the
participants are not experienced professionals, it is advisable for them
to deal with an exchange rather than getting involved in forward
In case the participants cannot find exactly what they want in a
futures market, still they can find something very close to their
requirements because markets are nearly complete in economic sense.
Futures contracts can be closed out by entering in to an offsetting
transaction, making physical delivery or cash settlement. Compared to
futures contracts, forward contracts are illiquid, have credit risk and
are unregulated. |