Weligama Declaration objectives not achieved
by Ananda Kannangara
The objective of the Weligama Declaration has not been achieved. The
media should play an active role to bridge the gap between communities,
Rector, Sripali Campus of the University of Colombo, Dr. Tudor
Weerasinghe said.
He was speaking at a media forum, held in Colombo to discuss the
objectives of the `Weligama Declaration 2006', which was launched by the
Bakeer Markar Centre for National Unity two years ago. "Although it is
the responsibility of the media to activate this declaration, I have not
seen any developments so far", he said.
Dr. Weerasinghe said that many media personnel give prominence to
political matters rather than common issues.He called upon media
personnel to focus on issues of public interest national unity, economy
and social welfare of people. Former Minister Imthiyas Bakeer Markar
said his father had a dream to bridge the gap between all communities
irrespective of their cast, creed or religion. The `Weligama Declaration
2006' was launched to fulfil that wish.
He said it was the duty of journalists to be accurate in reporting.
Officials from the Sri Lanka Press Institute, leading media
personalities, journalists and intellectuals attended the forum to
discuss the role of the media in building unity in Sri Lanka. |