IESL organises Robot Games 2008
The Young Members' Section (YMS) of the Institution of Engineering,
Sri Lanka (IESL) organised the first ever national level Robot
competition in Sri Lanka with a view to open new avenues for the
technology savvy young generation.
This is another step in achieving IESL's quest to promote engineering
education in the country and enhance the quality of the profession.
The competition concluded recently where a combined team consisting
of students of the University of Moratuwa and IESL Engineering course
emerged as winners. A team from the Open University of Sri Lanka got the
second place while the third place went to a team from the University of
The Chairman of the YMS, Eng. Upul Angammana says that the main
objective of this novel competition was to provide a platform for the
engineering students in the country to apply knowledge gained in
classrooms to real life situations and recreation purposes. Eng.
Angammana added that the competition was specifically designed enabling
the students to put their knowledge and understanding of manufacturing
processes, controls, robotics and other technologies, into practice.
Robot Competition, which was open for students of higher education
institutions, drew overwhelming response from all universities and other
institutions engaged in providing technological education.
Fourteen teams were selected to take part in the final competition
after several awareness and technical workshops with all the applicants.
According to Eng. Angammana, the competitors were given the task of
designing and creating an autonomous robot that would travel along a
given track within the shortest possible time.
The originality of the creation was another major criterion set down
for the competing teams. |