Bisthamin still in ICU
Dynamic Kandy SC number 8 Imran Bisthamin who suffered a
life-threatened head injury following a fall from a restaurant in Kandy
on Nov 22, is said to be still in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the
Kandy General Hospital and his condition is believed to be stable,
Sunday Observer reliably understands.
Bisthamin, a gifted back-row forward and a product of St. Anthony's
College, Katugastota has been unconscious for most of the past fortnight
due to the severity of the head injury but according to hospital sources
the loose forward is constantly under the supervision of doctors being
put under a life supporting system in the wake of his freak accident.
Imran Bisthamin before his freak injury had represented his school,
club and country in both versions of the game with flying colours and
was destined to have a lengthy stint with the national team in the eyes
of rugby analysts. |