Ashley Halpe - Intellectual beacon to the nation:
Fruitful years of literatus and academic giant
Prof. Ashley Halpe, the doyen of English language education in Sri
Lanka, marked 50 years of service as an academic here and abroad. In
retrospect, his corpus and thousands of students he produced were only a
part of the rich legacy of Prof. Halpe. The multi-faceted personality of
his spreads into many territories such as paintings, poetry and a
remarkable works of translations.
 Perhaps an important facet of Prof. Ashley Halpe's character is the
writer, dramatist, painter and poet in him. His burgeoning creativity
has found avenues of expression in diverse media such as in paintings,
and creative writing.
His rich and insightful poetry shed light on a vast terrain of human
activities and social upheavals and cover wide range of subjects. He
casts his poetic net upon the vast tapestry of social fabric bringing
the everyday experiences as well as social upheavals under its scope.
Poet of distinction
For instance, the poem titled 'April 1971' which has been on the 1971
youth uprising, epitomizes the brutal crackdown of the insurgency.
'Young bodies tangled in monsoon scrub or rotting in river shallows,
awaiting the kind impartial fish, and those not dead - numb, splotched
faces, souls ravaged by all their miseries and defeats"
In another poem titled 'Memoranda of July', Prof Halpe revisits
'Black July' perhaps in a more creative manner.
"About sacks on shoulders in orangeness About hands slipping from
Bloodstained branches Welcome, torturers and redeemers".
Here, it is obvious that unlike most of the academics, Prof. Halpe is
always sensitive to developments in political and social spheres. The
'Black July' would have been a devastating incident for gentle
professor. It is this profound shock that he recreates in the above
Perceptive translator
As a translator, Prof. Halpe is marked for his economy of expression
and attempt he made to stick to the original zest of the work. This
characteristic is amply manifested in most of his translations and
particularly in his translation of Martin Wickremasinghe's ' Madol Doova'.
Although it is not possible for one to translate the zest of the
original work from one language to another, Prof. Halpe's English
translation of ' Madol Doova' is perhaps, a mirror image of the original
work in Sinhalese.
In the mass of his translations, Sigiri poems would have been a
gigantic academic exercise. However, he has succeeded in the endeavour,
resulting in production of poems in English. The Way of the Lotus, and
Madol Doova, translations of Martin Wickramasinghe's seminal works have
been hailed as one of the best translations available in English of
Wickramasinghe's work.
Madol Doova has been a prescribed textbook in the Ordinary Level
English Literature syllabus.
Outstanding academic
In a paper, presented to be published in Singapore in a work on Sri
Lankan Literature in English edited by Prof. Thiru Kandiah, Prof. Halpe
observes the evolution of Sri Lankan drama and theatre in English which
goes back to rudimentary early productions by Ceylon Amateur Dramatic
Club and staging of plays of European origin by English Schools
established in the middle of 19th century and the Norman School which,
subsequently, became the Government Teachers' College.
Prof. Halpe discusses the influence that English theatre on Sinhala
theatre of the day, especially, in the context of revival of drama and
theatre in the University of Peradeniya. The movement was spearheaded by
Prof. E.F.C Ludowyk and Prof. Ediriweera Sarachchandra.
E.F.C Ludowyk produced 'He comes from Jaffna', a brilliant adaptation
with distinct Sri Lankan characteristics, situations and language.
Researcher par excellence
Prof. Halpe's paper titled 'Sri Lankan Literature in English' which
he contributed to the publication 'Sri Lanka's Development since
Independence: Socio-Economic Perspectives and Analyses' edited by
Weligamage D.Lakshman and Clement A. Tisdell and Published by Nova
Science Publishers Inc., Huntington, New York, shows the academic
excellence and shedding insights into subject matter.
In his essays, Prof. Halpe treats the subject at hand in its entirety
and digging into the very bedrock in the formation of Sri Lankan
Literature in English, examining the limited corpus of work in English
penned by Sri Lankans during the latter part of British occupation in
Sri Lanka.
Inter alia, he observes that English was exclusively used in the
state affairs in the post-colonial Sri Lanka. However, insignificant
number of Literature in English was produced in the period.
Among other things, Prof. Halpe observes that though English had been
used exclusively in the affairs of the state following the departure of
British from Sri Lankan shores, very little Sri Lankan Literature in
English was produced during the period.
At first, Sri Lankan writers in English were not able to express
'native sensibility' in their adopted tongue. However, he pointed out,
in the latter stages, Sri Lankan Literature in English has evolved in
scope, devising a diction which is capable of expressing authentic Sri
Lankan experiences.
"Lankan Literature in English developed strength and sophistication
and greatly extended its range as its practitioners arrived at 'a sense
of real things'. Viewed another way, it is when this 'sense' penetrated
this literature that it became for readers , particularly Lankan
readers, materially integrated with their reality and , at least,
potentially, a powerful agent of critical revaluation in a period of
confusion and dismay" states Prof. Halpe in capturing the essential
characteristics of Sri Lankan English."Interestingly, this arrival of
prose comedy in English and on the Lankan stage chimed with the arrival
of the same dramatic type in Sinhala. This is not surprising, since
Ludowyk was associated with Ediriweera Sarachchandra and the members of
the 'Sinhala Ranga Sabha' in the search for a 'modern' form for Sinhala
The group has decided that a form could be evolved by beginning with
adaptations of European comedies and the Ludowyk/Sarachchandra Kapuva
Kapothi, an adaptation of Gogol's Marriage, had been a memorable result"
comments Prof. Halpe on the early stage of Sri Lankan theatre in
English.He pointed out that by now several playwrights have carved out
niche for themselves in Sri Lankan theatre in English and the
contemporary productions are rich in variety and their orientations.
"Sri Lankan theatre and drama in English today is a congeries of
forms, styles and tendencies.
Thus Jehan Aloysius uses the masked dancers of ritual and Kolam drama
to express one aspect of his meaning in The Ritual and the form of the
music in Rag, and Ruwanthie de Chickera built a play around an
immobilised protagonist in The Middle of Silence, experimented with time
in Two Times Two and with forum theatre in Checkpoint. "states Prof.
Halpe of the stature and nature of Sri Lankan contemporary drama and
theatre in English.
Although one may not be able to exhaust the vast body of works
authored by Prof. Ashley Halpe within a limited space, I believe that
the little citations I made are suffice to taste the genius on the part
of the author and the ground that his studies and numerous academic
papers cover and their lasting contribution to the body of knowledge in
specialised areas.
At the Literature conference "Towards Twenty First Century; Cross
Cultural Identities in the Contemporary Sri Lankan and British Writing"
organised by the British Council in 1999, when Prof.Ashley Halpe and
Aparna Halpe presented their papers, victims of circumstances intimated
to me of how Prof. Halpe's benevolent intervention, once enabled
talented students, currently outstanding academics to complete their
post graduate studies when a Satan in academic garb blocked their
passage to excellence.
In fact, one salvaged student is now fully-fledged Professor attached
to a prestigious university while the other is an academic and writer
teaching at a leading university abroad. They are also insightful
researchers and critics in the wide spectrum of language studies and
Prof. Ashley Halpe remains as an intellectual beacon to dispel the
darkness of ignorance. He bears the bright torch left behind by
generations of academics including his guru Prof. E.F.C Ludowyk. |