‘Tigers don’t speak for Tamils’
V. Sudarshan
Interview with New India Express on Dec. 18
Excerpts from the interview:
Q: Thank you for this opportunity to meet you Mr. President,
despite your very busy schedule. Let me begin with a most interesting
aspect of current developments. You have mentioned that there can be no
military solution to the ethnic problem in Sri Lanka. How do you propose
to solve this problem?
A: You are right in quoting me. I firmly believe that there is
no military solution to the current conflict in Sri Lanka. I have been
consistent in maintaining this position. While we are militarily
tackling the terrorists, we are keen to pursue a political solution for
the people of Sri Lanka. I would like to reiterate our firm commitment
to a negotiated political solution within an undivided Sri Lanka, taking
into account the aspirations of all the communities, including the
Tamils. As an extension to the political process that is currently
underway through the All Party Representative Committee (APRC) we have
also now invited the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) to join this process
and we welcome their suggestions and proposals to achieve fairness to
all within an undivided country.

While I am awaiting the final proposal from the APRC, I wish to state
that we are in the process of implementing the interim proposal
submitted to me by the APRC, based on which the elections in the Eastern
Province were held, after its liberation from the clutches of terror,
and a Tamil chief minister was elected to office. We are now in the
process of devolving more powers to the Eastern Province and as a part
of this process a DIG of Police from the Tamil community has been
appointed to the province. We are hopeful of replicating this success in
the East in the Northern Province as well.
Q: We hear reports that the arrangement with Karuna and
Pillaiyan are not really working as well as they should...
A: Having followed Sri Lankan affairs and the conflict in the
North and East, you must be aware that both chief minister
Chandrakanthan (Pillaiyan) and Member of Parliament Mr. Muralitharan (Karuna)
spent many years fighting the government while they were members of the
LTTE. The fact that they have renounced violence and chosen the
democratic path to the extent of becoming part of the electoral process
and government is an achievement by itself. Differences of opinion
between two leaders of the same party are common in democracy; you will
see it in most democratic parties, and I hope that they will sort out
these differences in the better and larger interests of the people they
Q: There is a perception in Tamil Nadu that the civilian
population is being killed collaterally or otherwise in the military
campaign. How do you respond?
A: Let me be very clear, this is a wholly wrong perception. I
have consistently maintained that our military actions are strictly
directed at the LTTE terrorists and not against the Tamil people. I have
given strict instructions to the forces to ensure that there should not
be any civilian casualties; and the forces have also exercised maximum
caution on this aspect.
However, I acknowledge that due to the nature of the conflict there
has been damage to civilian properties which will be rebuilt and normal
life restored no sooner the area is freed from the terrorists, as in the
case of the Eastern Province where the government is in the process of
spending $ 1.8 billion for development during the next three years.
However, the LTTE has been known to use innocent civilians as human
shields and is preventing them from moving into safer areas especially
using the safe corridor to the South provided by the military and
Perhaps the political leaders who have been expressing concern over
the safety of civilians in the conflict areas could coax the LTTE to
allow the civilians to move towards the safe corridor.
Q: There is concern in Tamil Nadu that the relief materials
are not sufficiently provided in the conflict areas. What has been done
to address this?
A: It is difficult to address the concerns of anybody that are
not based on fact. The total number of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)
mentioned in the media is factually exaggerated.
According to available statistics, the number of IDPs is
approximately around one lakh. However, taking into account the
hardships of the people living in Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts
and part of the Vavuniya district, I have ordered that relief items be
provided to all the civilians of those areas free of charge, knowing
very well that a portion of the food items will be taken by the LTTE.
From September this year to date we have dispatched 11,058 tonnes of
food and 598 tonnes of non-food items to the Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu
districts. This is apart from 4,370 food items distributed by the World
Food Programme during the same period. These are easily verifiable facts
and figures to those genuinely interested. We also appreciate the
gesture by the Indian government of sending relief items sent by the
people of Tamil Nadu, all of which have now been distributed among the
civilians in the conflict areas. Hence, there is no shortage of food and
other essential provisions in the conflict areas. There is a need for
more shelter and we are in the process of addressing this.
Q: On the influx of refugees to Tamil Nadu, do you think this
could be a problem?
A: I am not aware of any such influx today. Let me put this in
perspective. During the liberation of the Eastern Province last year we
had 1,70,000 IDPs and at present there are about 1,00,000 IDPs in the
North. According to statistics complied by the Tamil Nadu government,
the total number of refugee arrivals from Sri Lanka since January 2006
is only 22,800. Out of this 22,800 about 5,429 have voluntarily returned
to Sri Lanka. This illustrates that there is no severe influx of
refugees into Tamil Nadu. I understand that following the clearance of
the Eastern Province a number of refugees from the Eastern Province who
are in Tamil Nadu are now willing to return. My government is prepared
to extend all possible assistance for such returnees. I trust this
answers your question adequately.
Q: You have been the Minister of Fisheries. Can you give me a
candid assessment of how much of fishing goes on in your waters by boats
from Tamil Nadu on a daily basis?
A: According to the information from the Navy, on an average
about 500 fishing vessels enter Sri Lankan waters daily and engage in
fishing. The entry of fishing craft from Tamil Nadu to Sri Lankan waters
has been going on for some time, as you suggested from the time I was
Minister of Fisheries, too. This is a matter that has to be resolved in
a spirit of friendship by two neighbours.
Q: What about the element of smuggling by boats from Tamil
Nadu? How serious is that concern? How widespread do you think that
practice is?
A: The movement of smugglers and other illegal entities in the
sea is certainly a threat to any country’s sovereignty and security. Sri
Lanka takes serious note of this, especially as they could be, and most
likely are linked to terrorism that we are committed to eradicate.
Q: Why do you think all this happens even though the navies of
the two countries are ostensibly doing coordinated patrolling?
A: The Sri Lanka Navy has taken all steps to prevent such
activities. It is also a well-known fact that there is a nexus existing
between the smugglers and the LTTE and perhaps even other terrorist
organisations. I believe the answer is more concerted and coordinated
action. There are welcome signs that India is also taking note of the
dangers to its own coastal security today.
Q: The LTTE is obviously ready for ceasefire. The Tamil Nadu
chief minister has backed the call. Yet you dismissed the suggestion out
of hand. Why?
A: One must understand the background to the LTTE’s call for a
ceasefire. The LTTE has a track record of announcing ceasefires when
they are militarily weakened and are in need of fresh of supply of arms
and ammunition, and need to re-group and recruit fighters. After I
assumed the presidency in November 2005, the LTTE leader in his Hero’s
Day speech described me as a ‘pragmatic’ leader and he stated he would
give my government one year’s time to find a solution to the ethnic
However, he never gave me the smallest opportunity to demonstrate my
pragmatism as he launched attacks on the armed forces followed by
terrorist acts against innocent civilians within two weeks of his
Despite these provocations I was committed to the ceasefire agreement
signed by former Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe in 2002, which had
many flaws that favoured the LTTE. Just look at the record of that
ceasefire. It was monitored by the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission which
comprised Nordic countries, which conclusively reported that the LTTE
had violated the ceasefire agreement 3,850 times, mostly serious
violations, while the violations by the security forces was only 351
times, which were mainly instances of harassment.
Therefore, based on this and our other past experiences of the
behaviour of the LTTE in this regard, we don’t think the LTTE is sincere
in its call for a ceasefire, especially in view of the fact that once
again this new call comes when they have been drastically weakened by
the forces. It is necessary to be realistic when dealing with a
terrorist force as the LTTE.
Q: What are the conditions that require to be met before you
declare a military victory? Does it end with Kilinochchi?
A: As I have already stated I am not for a military solution
though it has become necessary to use force that is rightly available to
the State and the democratically elected government, to curtail
terrorism in order to bring democracy to the people.
Therefore, the fall of Kilinochchi will only be a step towards
restoring democracy to the people of that area where the people have
been subjected to the brutalities of the LTTE. Far from being a military
victory, it will be the beginning of the restoration of democratic
freedoms. That will be the real victory.
Q: How soon do you see it happening?
A: I don’t wish to give a time frame though it is my earnest
hope that it will be in the near future. You must be able to judge it
from the reports you receive.
Q: The locals and refugees in Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu
comprise, I believe, roughly four lakh. Given this ground reality, is
there a military way to address this dense population scenario? How do
you propose to wean away people from the LTTE?
A: The figures you give are questionable. But I will not go
into that. There is an error in the thinking that there is a need to
wean the people away from the LTTE. There is nothing to show that they
are fully committed to the LTTE, or are nurtured by it, although a small
misled minority, mainly indoctrinated by terrorism and given false hopes
may still be with it.
The LTTE has at no time been the genuine representative of the Tamil
people. We know that the Tamil people left in Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu
are held there in thrall of the LTTE’s arms. Once that power is
effectively broken the Tamil people will be free to choose their
leaders, and join the democratic system. That is what we have already
begun doing with the development programmes for the North. As I said
recently, we will be looking towards a new Spring of Development in and
for the North. We will restore democracy and ensure that the people
there are treated equally under the Constitution. Don’t forget that
almost all the democratically elected leaders of the Tamil people, their
trade union leaders, teachers and intellectuals were killed by the LTTE.
I do not think that there will be any need to wean away such people from
their oppressors.
Q: Gen Fonseka referred to some politicians in Tamil Nadu as
political jokers who receive monetary help from the LTTE. Do you share
this view?
A: I was briefed that it was an inadvertent report in a
newspaper. I understand that the Secretary, Ministry of Defence, has
expressed regret for whatever had been reported, if it was as stated. I
also learn that the management of the newspaper has removed the editor
concerned, for lack of editorial discretion. Whatever had been reported
inadvertently is not the view of the government, and I believe the
matter rests there.
Q: Do you as the President of a country fighting terrorism
believe that Pakistan has a responsibility to curb terrorist activities
from any part of the territory that it controls and that India has the
same right to self-defence that you exercise in your fight against
A: Terrorism is an international phenomenon and it has to be
curbed collectively. Sri Lanka as the present Chair of the SAARC would
like to reiterate our commitment to the declaration made in Colombo
recently on the need for the strongest possible cooperation in the fight
against terrorism. Every country should be free to defend itself against
terrorism, wherever it comes from, whatever its manifestations, or
whoever its leader. |