The horror of the tsunami
Most of you would now be getting ready to usher in Christmas and the
New Year. Christmas is a joyous occasion, but can any of us forget the
day which comes close on its heels?
December 26... this is the day four years ago that Sri Lanka as well
as most other countries around the Indian Ocean were battered by the
tsunami which has since come to be known as the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami.
This is the darkest day in Sri Lanka's history; over 30,000 lives, and
property worth millions of rupees were wiped out in an instant.
Many children were left orphans, many people lost everything they
ever had in life and many others still remain missing. Four years later,
many have still not been able to pick up the strands of their lives.
The massive tsunami was caused by an earthquake (measuring 9.3 on the
Richter Scale) off the coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island. The worst
affected were Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, India, Malaysia,
Bangladesh and the Maldives. The total death toll passed 270,000 while
many thousands went missing. The ferocious waves wiped out entire
cities, carrying many to a watery grave. Many thousands of children, who
were too small and too weak to swim to safety, perished in the incident.
Now December 26 is named as the National Safety Day in Sri Lanka to
remember the victims of the tsunami, increase awareness about threats,
both natural and man-made to the safety of the country and its citizens,
and improve and enhance methods to minimise the damage from such
incidents. So, while we are gearing up for the festive season, it is
only right that we spare a thought for all those, especially the
children, who are still grieving and still living in makeshift camps.
What is Boxing Day?
Though you may not have been familiar with the word Boxing Day
before, after the 2004 tsunami, it would have entered the vocabulary of
most as the disaster was known as the Boxing Day Tsunami.
There are many theories as to how the Boxing Day originated.
One is that in feudal times (in the time of kings and lords),
Christmas was a time for the gathering of families, and that the
servants would also gather their families at the manors of their lords
the day after Christmas so that the lords would be able to give them the
traditional gifts of clothes, grains and tools. Each family would get a
box full of these gifts, thus the name Boxing Day.
Another story is that the servants would carry a box when they return
to work after Christmas, so that their lords can put the coins which are
supposed to be the end-of-year gifts for these servants into these boxes
(like modern day bonuses). Another theory, similar to these, is that the
servants of lords would have to work on Christmas Day serving their
masters and thus get the next day off. The food that was left over from
the previous day's festivities would be packed and boxed and taken by
these servants to their families.
Although this day is widely celebrated on the day after Christmas
(December 26), it could also be on the first public holiday which
follows Christmas if the 26th or 27th fell on the weekend.
It is celebrated in most Commonwealth countries and is a public
holiday in some. It coincides with the Feast of St. Stephen, which is
observed in some countries. Boxing Day is now mostly a day for sporting
activities; another day for families to gather for a special dinner and
exchange gifts.
The importance of new year resolutions
A new year is always a time to make resolutions. Most people make
hundreds of resolutions at the beginning of the year, but only a very
few actually manage to keep to them and achieve their goals during the
How did the making of new year resolutions start? The tradition is
believed to go back to 153BC to Janus, the mythical king of early Rome
who was placed at the head of the calendar.
With two faces, he could look back on past events as well as forward
to the future. He became the ancient symbol for resolutions and many
Romans looked to forgiveness from enemies and exchanging gifts before
the beginning of a new year.
Some of the most popular resolutions are to study hard, exercise more
and help one’s parents. Resolutions should not be impractical or
impossible. Most people dump their new year resolutions even before the
first month has run out because they are too difficult to follow. A
person should always set before him/her a resolution which is easy to
follow and stick to.
If adopted and adhered to properly, new year resolutions would help a
person change for the better in more ways than one.
Ancient amphibian had a flip-top head
A peculiar amphibian that was clad in bony armour prowled warm lakes
210 million years ago, catching fish and other tasty snacks with one of
the most unusual bites in the history of life on Earth.
The creature called Gerrothorax pulcherrimus, which lived alongside
some of the early dinosaurs, opened its mouth not by dropping its lower
jaw, as other vertebrate animals do.Instead, it lifted back the top of
its head in a way that looked a lot like lifting the lid of a toilet
"It's weird. It's the ugliest animal in the world," Harvard
University's Farish Jenkins, one of the scientists who describe the
mechanics of its bite in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, said.
"You almost can't imagine holding your jaws still and lifting your
head back to take a bite," Jenkins said.
"There are some vertebrates that will lift their heads slightly or
the upper jaws (when they bite). Some salamanders do it slightly. Some
fish do it slightly. But no animal is known to have done it this
extensively," Jenkins added.The scientists think Gerrothorax lurked at
the bottom of a lake, then with a sudden movement of the skull created a
mouth gape that entrapped any fish unfortunate enough to swim
by.Gerrothorax measured about 3 feet (1 metre) long and was stoutly
protected by bony body armour reminiscent of chain mail. It had a very
flat body and very flat head, short, stubby limbs and well-developed
gills, Jenkins added.
Take care with firecrackers
Some of you may have been waiting the whole year for Christmas and
New Year to come around in order to light firecrackers and sparklers.
This is sure to be a fun activity for most kids as well as some adults.
However, you must be extremely careful when playing with crackers as
this is an activity that could harm many people, animals and property if
carried out in an irresponsible manner.
You have to be careful with crackers and sparklers right from the
moment you buy them. They are best stored in a closed box in a cool and
dry place which cannot be reached by small children and pets. Another
precaution is never to carry them around in your pockets.
Crackers must always be lit in an open space where there is room for
you to move about. Throwing crackers at each other should never, ever be
done. Also, a cracker which may not have lit up the first time should
not be relit; instead it should be thrown away. Always wear
tight-fitting clothes, possibly cotton ones, instead of loose clothing
made of synthetic fabrics which may easily catch fire. Another wise move
is to keep a bucket of water or sand close at hand to douse a fire. You
have to be even more careful when lighting sky rockets. When lighting
them, keep them erect, pointing it upwards and not sideways to prevent
them striking houses or other objects which may be in the path. Keep the
doors and windows of your own home closed too to prevent rockets
entering your home and causing damage.
If you are lighting crackers on an open road, prevent accidents by
ensuring that there are no people or vehicles around. Another most
important thing is to ensure that there are no pets about. The sound of
crackers going off terrify and upset a lot of cats and dogs and some
even run away from home. So before you start enjoying yourself, ensure
that your pets are safely locked up inside.
These could prevent many untoward accidents from happening. You, your
family and friends and pets too will be spared a lot of pain and injury
if you start following these precautionary measures.
Gimhani’s eighth book
Stubborn Beauty, the eighth book by 12-year-old schoolgirl Gimhani
Upeksha Waduge, was released recently. The story is about three pixie
children. Gimhani published her first book when she was only nine years
old.Stubborn Beauty is her second publication for this year. |