Stan: Dave, what would happen if you eat the Christmas decorations?
Dave: You get tinsel-itus.
Ned: Mum, Can I have a dog for Christmas?
Mum: No, you can have turkey like everyone else.
Did you hear about Dracula's Christmas party?
It was a scream!
you hear about the man who went to the fancy dress party as a bone?
A dog ate him in the hall.
How are UFOs related to hamburgers?
Both are Unidentified Frying Objects!
How do you make a cheeseburger sad?
Make it with blue cheese!
How do they prevent crime in hamburger country?
Did you hear about the fool who found a feather in his bed?
He thought he had chicken pox.
Did you hear about the man who heard a mouse squeaking one night?
He got up to oil it!
Did you hear about the man who plugged his electric blanket into the
He kept popping out of bed all night!
Patient: Doctor, doctor, I walk in my sleep.
Doctor: Remember to take money for the bus, then.
How can you shorten a bed?
Don't sleep long on it.
When is it proper to go to bed with your shoes on?
When you're a horse.
Patient: Doctor, doctor, I'm always dreaming about cricket.
Doctor: Don't you ever dream about anything else?
Patient: What? And miss my innings?
Boss: Why are you late for work?
Employee: There are eight of us in the family, but the alarm clock
was set for seven.
Sally: Why did your brother throw away his alarm clock?
Nelly: It kept going off when he was asleep.
Why did the fool take a tape measure to bed with him?
To see how long he slept.
Why did the man climb on to the chandeliar?
Because he was a light sleeper.