No more rubber imports
Import of rubber will be stopped, said Minister of Plantation
Industries D.M. Jayaratna.
He said the ban on the import of rubber was a decision taken by the
Plantation Ministry to solve the crisis in the rubber and tea
"Sri Lanka produces ten times, the country's requirement of rubber
and there is no need to import rubber as a raw material. About 3,000 mt
of rubber were imported from Malaysia, Indonesia and India", he said.
The price of smoked sheet rubber dropped from Rs. 350 a kg last year
to Rs. 121 a kg last week. Most of the rubber buyers stopped buying
smoked sheet rubber and rubber latex.
Loadstar buys a limited quantity of smoked sheet rubber from
registered rubber producers. The Minister said that the rubber industry
is affected by the global economic crisis.
With the crisis in the automobile sector, the local rubber industry
is badly affected, he said.
Sri Lanka produces about 100,000 mt of rubber annually and exports
around 30 per cent of the production. Around 70 per cent is used by
local industries to produce tyres, tubes, auto parts, gloves, carpets
and mattresses.
The Minister said that the stabilisation fund for working capital for
tea leaf factory owners and the tea growers will be reactivated shortly.
He said the Ministry will consider a bail out package for the tea
The package will include one month's working capital at a subsidized
rate. |