Celebrations a la Annesley

Annesley Malawana
"It is important that we continue to spread the popularity of Sinhala
music, especially the songs that bring back nostalgia among adults and
also to the youth", says Annesley Malawana who is presenting a New
Year's Eve celebrations for the entire family at Palm Beach Hotel, Mount
Lavinia. "It's going to be an unique event, because parents will have no
worry about leaving their children back at home on this day when
everyone greets the arrival of 2009 into their lives. There will be a
special play area for children under fourteen years with a spacial
children's buffet. Of course we have included lots of prizes,
competitions, Queen of the Night Contest and more. The night club, Club
52 is also open for all teenagers so that parents can enjoy the night
knowing that their children are in the same building close to them",
informs Annesley who has over the years captured the centrestage with
his songs, ever since the popular band 'Moon Stones' disband.
The Super Chimes comprises Channa Athalagey lead guitar, Gimantha
Seneviratne - keyboard, Prasanna Fernando - bass and Jagath Kulasinghe -
All the members sing and harmonise not only Sinhala songs, but also
English and it's going to be an evening of yester year songs to greet a
New Year. Be a part of the experience.
Antoinette performs at Sydney

Sri Lankan singers and musicians more often than not are invited to
perform in Australia and this New Year's Eve, the acknowledged singer
Antoinette de Alwis jetted to Sydney to perform at the Blue Elephant New
Year's Eve Dance which will be held at the Castle Grand Pioneer
The band in the spotlight is the popular Breakaways led by the Sri
Lankan bassist Russel de Hoedt.
Antoinette who was the female vocalist with the much sought after
Peter Prins Combo who held the top rung for so many years and later when
Peter disbanded the group, Antoinette started off an her own with most
of the members calling the band Cross Section.
As for handling a New Year's Eve Dance, Antoinette has considerable
experience in this field creating the excitement for that all important
music run half an hour before midnight leading up to the dawn of a New
Year and the infectious Auld Lange Synge section thereafter.
This is something the Sri Lankan bands are noted for, not heard in
celebrations in countries abroad. Yesterday (December 20) she was the
featured singer at the Goanese Christmas Dance held at the League Club,
Parramatta Sydney.
Sri Lankans in Sydney were awaiting her performance to relive the
happy days they had when they were at home and which they miss so much.
Ramona's back in town

Ramona Carr |
"I cannot explain it the feeling of happiness one experiences when
coming back home", confesses singer Ramona Carr who arrived two weeks
ago to enjoy the festive season in Sri Lanka.
No sooner she arrived she was requested to sing by her musician
friends and that has led her to be the featured singer at the Cinnamon
Grand Lobby daily from December 18 till 24. Ramona has hitherto been
singing and living in Turkey. "In fact since I left Sri Lanka I've been
singing six days a week in Istanbul for three months and for six months
at Antalya at the poolside at five star resorts.
It's fifteen years for me in Turkey and it is good", enthuses Ramona.
When she was in Sri Lanka, Diliup Gabadamudalige and she were a duo
performing professionally in '87 and '88 at Trans Asia.
"This was the time when Priyanthi and Raja and Manilal Perera were
singing weekly at the hotel and we had such good times", recalls Ramona,
who arrived here from California where she was spending part of her
holidays with her family. "In Los Angeles when I'm there, I sing with
the Cornelius Herring Quartet when I get the opportunity" concludes
Ramona. Los Angeles is a long way to go and if you haven't heard Ramona
before then make a date with her at her limited engagement at the
Cinnamon Grand Lobby. MP
Hithata' on Rupavahini
A special musical programme will be telecast by Rupavahini on
December 24 at 10.30 pm.
The lyrics of the songs were written by Nilar M. Cassim and the
singers include Niranjala, Edward, Amarasiri, Nirosha, Bathiya 'N
Santhush, Asanka Priyamantha, Pradeepa, Rookantha, Chandralekha, Athula,
Samitha, W.D. Ariyasinghe, Dayan Vitharane, Chandana Liyanaarachchi,
Kasun and Nelu. There will be dances by Channa Wijewardena and Upekha.
Special dance sequences will be by Kamal, Sangeetha, Roshan Ranawana,
Anarkali and Semini Iddamalgoda.
Goodbye 2008
The popular Gypsies led by the inimitable Sunil will help you to say
a rocking goodbye to 2008 and welcome 2009 at the Sapphire Ballroom at
the Ceylon Continental on New Year's Eve.... Sohan and the X'periments
with Sohan Weerasinghe in the lead and Rajitha Rupasinghe leading his
group Misty will keep you on your feet till the next morning at the Oak
Ballroom, Cinnamon Grand..... Shaman and the Reggae Colours at the
Poolside of the Hilton Colombo Residence especially for family and
friends plus groovy DJ music.
At the Il Ponte Hilton Colombo C&C will spread their New Year's Eve
charm.... At the Terrace Mount Lavinia, the Latin laced Phase 3 will
help you greet 2009, while Aquarius is all geared to give 2008 an
exciting musical farewell.
Warren and Rozette at the Beira Lonuge Trans Asia will herald in the
New Year while Ricky Bahar and Legacy invite you to an evening of fun,
games and groovy music at the Poolside to say Hi to 2009.
Year end 'Reflection'
Soon the year will end and with 2009 just round the corner,
entertainment of a different kind will be presented today at the
California Grill commencing 8.30 p.m. Titled 'Reflections' it will see
the doyen of fashion Kirti Sri Karunaratne presenting refreshing styles
from the past which are not out of date in today's fast moving world
while eco-friendly Dr. Lilamani Wijeratne de Silva presents styles based
on nature.
Voice of Praise on an esoteric flight

Voice of Praise
The Voice of Praise directed by Denham Pereira, well-known for their
high quality choir performances will commence their Christmas carols
singing programmes today at the Hilton Colombo from 8.00 p.m. The choir
will be featured daily until December 24 singing many well arranged
popular carols that should not be missed.
The choir sing mostly a - cappella and they hope to tour the country,
spreading a love of music wherever they go. Each of the ten individual
choristers has a deep-rooted love for music as well as a solid
background in choral singing. According to Denham Pereira a former
chorister of St. Thomas' College, his choir was formed a year ago and
the members are 20 to mid 30 years in age and committed to their music.
Voice of Praise has a wide choral repertoire and with the experience he
gathered at St. Mary's Church, Lowton, Manchester, he was scheduled to
hold a Christmas, Organ Recital at St. Andrew's Scots Kirk last week.
He intends making the choir bigger and invites those who are
interested to get in touch with him. To be able to read music would be
an advantage. MP