Mitsubishi Corp. offers 20 schols

Professor Wiswa Warnapala, Minister of Higher Education
discussing developments of the higher education sector with
Shunji Yoneya, General Manager, Asia and Oceania Office, Global
Strategy & Coordination Department-Mitsubishi Corporation at the
Ministry of Higher Education, Ward Place, Colombo - 07.
Recognizing the radical changes that are taking place in the higher
education sector under the direction of Professor Wiswa Warnapala,
Minister of Higher Education, the Mitsubishi Corporation of Japan has
volunteered to offer 20 scholarships to university students who are
following courses in management and finance, management studies and
commerce subjects.
In this connection, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between
the University Grants Commission and Mitsubishi Corporation in the
presence of the Minister of Higher Education, Prof. Wiswa Warnapala at
the Ministry of Higher Education, Ward Place, Colombo-07. Mrs. Malanie
Pieris, Secretary and R. Ranepura, Additional Secretary of the Ministry
and high officials of the university Grants Commission were also present
at this function.
The students who are entitled for these scholarships will get Rs.
4,000/- (each) monthly and it will be renewed for subsequent years on
their individual performance and dedication for studies. Students who
receive Mahapola, Bursary or any other scholarship are not eligible for
this benefit.