What is happening in your export markets?
Dr. Razeen Sally, an international trade expert, will be sharing his
views on current economic and trade policy developments in the E.U.,
U.S.A., and China, and how these will be relevant to Sri Lanka at a
seminar organised by the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce on February 26, from
2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. The seminar will be held at the Ground Floor
Auditorium of the Chamber.
The E.U. and the U.S. account for nearly 60 percent of exports of Sri
Lanka and being the major trading nations, the changes taking place in
these economies and trade policy will have a tremendous impact on
exports from Sri Lanka.
The economies of these countries are facing challenging times. Hence,
learning from an international trade expert who has insight into these
developments and how these will impact Sri Lanka will assist companies
in adopting strategies to face the emerging challenges in a very
volatile global economic environment.
Dr. Sally is a lecturer at the London School of Economics and
Co-Director of the "European Centre for International Political
Economy", a think tank based in Brussels, Belgium. He is also a Senior
Research Associate at the South African Institute of International
Affairs in Johannesburg, Senior Visiting Research Fellow at the
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore, a Visiting Fellow at
the University of Hong Kong, and Director, Trade Policy, at the
Commonwealth Business Council in London.