cats diary: The Daily Muse

by Pusheekat
February 7th
is behaving rather odd, running about and catching imaginary hoonas (gecko).She
looks “hyper” I wonder whether they will have to take her to the
petinary surgeon again. She is a darn old cat whichever way you look at
When she first came in, I’m told, she had this episode where she
started running around the kitchen floor and putting her lucky paw
inside her water bowl to capture movement in it. I’m told this
hyperactivity is caused by an odd virus which was cured by antibiotics.
Darn odd if you ask me.
February 8th
My Hewmie’s sister Hax came home today and raved about how well the
local Municipal Council seems to have organized things. She had been
pleasantly surprised by how efficiently such a complicated office was
There were notice boards everywhere telling people where to go for
any particular service, and people were polite and helpful. She had
taken a total of 15 minutes to check if her rate payments were up to
date. Mause said she should definitely blog about it. Whatever that
February 14th
`Valentine’s Day was good and night was better since the roaches had
decided to have a party. We caught four and played with them.
They are so fun, I almost feel guilty, I am doing something I
shouldn’t be and I automatically ran for the window when Hax stepped in
one while trying to get her sandwiches ready.(She did make rather a
strangled noise.)
On the telly box I heard David Attenborough referring to these
cockroaches as a “Marvel of Evolution “which was there long before the
dinosaurs” and probably will be there long after Hewmies ruin the planet
and get themselves and all the rest of us obliterated.
This is interesting because if the planet has only got ( radioactive)
cockroaches on it , and we might all have to be reborn as cockroaches.
Maybe life will be simpler or maybe life will actually be the same but
on a smaller scale.
After all who is to say that cockroaches don’t have perfectly
complicated and interesting lives, with love, marriage and family not to
mention death and mortgages, in them. It’s all a matter of perspective.
Hey; am I being profound or what!” |