Sports in my school
My school, Vidyakara Balika Vidyalaya, is in the Western Province.
Many facilities are provided for various sports conducted by the school.
Some of these sports are volleyball, netball, chess, gymnastics and
Chess and gymnastics are very popular sports in our school.
My school does not have a very big ground, but still we can play
volleyball and netball in this ground. Many children like these sports
because they are very interesting.
Our teachers encourage us to do sports and games. Students from all
grades can participate in these sports. We have gained a good knowledge
of these sports.
Every year a sports meet is organised and every child takes part in
the events. There are four houses namely ‘Paravi’, ‘Thisara’, ‘Mayura’
and ‘Kokila’.
The children who do sports in our school can also do their studies
very well. Our school has won many inter-school competitions and also
many zonal matches.
During matches with other schools in the area we have shown a very
high standard. Some of our girls have reached national standards too.
There are many old girls who are playing for their universities today.
So, sports in our school has come a long way and much fame has been
brought to our school as a result of it.
Dinushi Niranga, Year 9, Vidyakara Vidyalaya,
A drought has come
trees, bushes and vines have all withered. The few leaves left on trees
have lost their green colour. The cattle, goats and other animals are
roaming about looking for something to eat and drink. They are only skin
and bones. What a pathetic sight! No one can help them as there is no
water anywhere. A drought has come.
This is Mother Nature’s punishment to human beings. People can’t help
these animals because there isn’t enough water even for them to use. All
the wells, rivers, streams and lakes have dried up.
Many animals have died due to thirst. Reptiles too could be seen out
of the woods looking for water.
We have to go far to find water because we can’t live without it.
The earth has dried up and cracked. The rays of the Sun are very hot
and the people can’t bear the heat. During a drought people live in
great difficulty, not only because they can’t bear the heat, but also
because they cannot find water to drink, cook, wash and cultivate.
Many people contract diseases because of the dead animals lying all
over the place, and also by drinking unclean water.We can prevent this
if we realise the value of water. We can conserve water by using it
carefully. Water should be released to farmers only when required for
cultivation in drought-stricken areas.
We must build large tanks like in the ancient times to avoid a water
crisis during drought. We must also make people understand the need to
conserve water and educate them on the adverse effects of a scarcity of
water. Then we can prevent all these problems.
M. Prabhasara Kanchani Leelarathne, Grade 11,
WP/Don Pedrick College, Horana.
How trees serve mankind
Trees are very important to all of us. They are a vital force in our
environment, providing flowers, fruits, timber, wood and medicines.
absorb harmful chemicals like carbon dioxide from air and in turn give
us oxygen. If this process doesn’t take place, the effects of global
warming would be great. So, it is clear that trees improve the air we
breathe and also filter smoke, dust and ash to clean this air.
Trees help reduce heat and give us shade when the day is hot. They
also absorb water and prevent flooding and soil erosion. The fallen
leaves not only retain moisture that helps in the growth, but also trap
The timber from trees is used for the construction of houses, ships,
boats and furniture. The different types of trees help us in different
For example, the latex of the rubber tree is used to make tyres,
balls, carpets, erasers, toys and so on. The tea plant gives us the
tasty cup of tea and is a valuable source of foreign revenue to our
country. The coconut tree which is known as kapruka is a valuable tree.
The kernel is used for cooking purposes.
The timber is used to make beams and rafters and the shells, husks
and leaves are used as fuel. The ekels are used to make brooms. In fact
not a single part of the tree is wasted. So it’s a very useful tree to
mankind.There are various herbal trees that provide leaves, flowers and
bark to make medicines.
Dyes too are manufactured from the bark of certain trees like the
willow tree. Cricket bats too are made from willow.Trees provide us with
beautiful flowers for decorations and fruits for consumption. Trees
beautify our landscape. The tall and large trees on either side of our
roads and jungles are like guardians protecting our environment. “If not
for trees the Earth would be empty and dull, without life.”
Mohammed Irshard Samahoon, Grade 9,Sailan
International School,Negombo.
A pigeon talks
Hello! I am a white pigeon. I am the sign of peace. I carry a twig of
olive in my beak as the sign of peace. I live all over the world. I live
in a dove cot, but some of my friends live in jungles.
I have lots of friends; they are all the other pigeons.My favourite
food is seeds.In ancient times people used me to communicate. Then I
carried messages from one person to another. When I was in Noah’s Ark, I
was sent to see whether the flood had receded.Thank you for listening to
my speech.
Anil Pandithakoralege, Class 4-S4,St. Peter’s
College,Colombo 4.
Environmental pollution
pollution is one of the burning problems in the world today. Due to the
irresponsible activities of many human beings, our environment is
greatly polluted, causing drastic climatic changes and also serious
health problems.
The environment is polluted in many ways. For example,the factories
in cities emit large volumes of chemical-laced smoke. Motor vehicles too
emit smoke. In fact, there are lots of belching vehicles not only in the
cities, but also in rural areas.
Those who breathe this smoke are subject to many kinds of ailments
such as heart attacks, chest pains, asthma, TB and breathing problems.
We burn garbage in public places polluting the air and also throw it
everywhere. This pollutes the environment greatly.
Factory wastes are allowed to enter the rivers, seas, ponds, tanks
and other water bodies. Sometimes since toilet pits are situated near
such bodies of water they are polluted greatly. Those who drink this
polluted water contract diseases like diarrhoea.
People should avoid doing these things that harm the environment.
Garbage should be buried and toilet pits shouldn't be put up close to
bodies of water. Factories and vehicles should be designed in such a way
that they don't emit large volumes of some to pollute the air. If these
things are strictly practised, we can avoid environmental pollution to a
large extent.
S.L. Roshan, Kalmunai.
Friendship is forever
She is the soft coast
I'm the gentle wave
She is the fresh breeze
I'm the perfumed scent
She is a tiny star
I'm the full moon
Making her world beautiful
I'm with her forever and ever
Our friendship is a ring
It has no end
It is really a sweet flower
Just like true love
She is my best friend
And the friend in need
She is my best friend
That god has sent
If I make a big ship
Or get the kingship
My friend and the friendship
Will never, never slip....
Hiroshani Manushika Udumalagala, Grade 11,
Janadipathi Balika Vidyalaya, Galle.