Bravery Award for SL cricketers?
A writer in the English language national daily newspaper Dawn
published in Pakistan has suggested to the Pakistan Government to award
the Nishan-i-Shujaat (Order of Bravery) Award to Sri Lankan cricketers
on March 23 along with the presentation of posthumous awards to the
Pakistani policemen who died in the Lahore 3/3 terrorist attack. An
article titled "Let's honour the Lankans" written by Kamran Rehmat said:
"If the Pakistani government has a conscience - doubtful given the
brazen lapses in security at its end - it should immediately move to
honour the Sri Lankan team with at least the Nishan-i-Shujaat (Order of
This is the least the Government of Pakistan can do after letting the
moment to offer an official apology to Sri Lanka pass. "The incident is
nothing short of a national shame for us regardless of the nature of the
beast that we are dealing with, especially given the fact that
intelligence about the possibility, style and even the route likely to
be used for such an attack was available as far back as January this
year. "President Zardari can be sure that even a belated step such as
awarding the Nishan-i-Shujaat to the Sri Lankan team would be much more
welcomed by Pakistanis than, say, awarding the Hilal-i-Quaid-i-Azam to
the likes of Richard Boucher for his 'services' in boosting ties with
Islamabad. "A deadly missile attack on Pakistani soil by US forces less
than 24 hours after receiving the honour with the portrait of Jinnah in
the background was Mr Boucher's chosen expression of gratitude. "We can
be certain that the Sri Lankans would be more considerate and we may be
able to even retain more than just a sporting contact with the
islanders. So let's hail the heroes with the award on March 23, along
with our own policemen who lost their lives in the line of duty on March