CB empowers MBSL to manage The Finance
Identifies key executives:
The Central Bank (CB) said yesterday that the Merchant Bank of Sri
Lanka PLC (MBSL) was permitted to enter into a management agreement with
the Finance and Guarantee Company Ltd. to manage and monitor the
activities of the company.
CB has identified the key executives who would be entrusted with the
overall management responsibilities of the company and the appointment
will be made within the next few days.
The expert group would advise the management teams while assisting in
the facilitation of the necessary financial support from the
implementing bank.
Central Bank sources said that negotiations are presently under way
in relation to the engagement of a suitable managing agent for Ceylinco
Investment and Reality Ltd., and the Asian Finance Ltd. The Bank is
monitoring the progress.
A top official of the Central Bank said that several measures were
taken to stabilise registered finance companies of the Ceylinco Group
following the collapse of the Golden Key Credit Card Company late last
The Central Bank is currently implementing the stimulus package for
the finance and leasing industry which was approved by the Cabinet on
February 25.
Banking experts said the CB intervention is a timely move to
stabilise finance companies of the Ceylinco Group and added that it
would help restore nomalcy of business of the institutions.
Director, Bank Supervision Department Central Bank, B.D.W. Silva said
the Central BanK has taken measures to ensure financial stability of all
licensed registered institutions in the wake of the recent financial
scams that triggered uncertainty causing major problems to corporates.
He said the banks have been reluctant to lend and as a result credit
growth declined to around 8 per cent from 17 per cent last year
aggravating the crisis. The Central Bank has called upon banks to expand
lending capacities.
Meanwhile Transparency International Sri Lanka (TISL) has recommended
to President Mahinda Rajapaksa to appoint a Banking and Finance
Commission, in the light of the issues raised at a round table
discussion held recently at the BMICH.
Director TISL, Chandra Jayaratne said TISL collated the key issues
identified by the multistakeholder group at the discussion on the `Way
forward for corporate stability by sustainable economic strategies'. |