President hails airmen for their timely actions
by Jayampathy JAYASINGHE Reporting from China Bay
Air Force Camp
"The most ruthless and powerful terrorist organisation in the world
is now kneeing down before our Armed Forces said President Mahinda
Rajapaksa addressing the colours award ceremony at the China Bay Air
Force base yesterday morning. He said the Sri Lanka Armed Forces have
provided a morale booster to other armed forces in the world as to how
to fight a powerful and a ruthless terrorist organisation at a time like
this the Sri Lanka Air Force ought to be commended for their valour.
The President said that he can very well remember way back in 1986,
when Valikamam, Vadamarachchi and Thenmarachchi Army Camps were
threatened and it was the Air Force that went to their rescue. When the
Army was forced to confined themselves to the Jaffna Fort we were not in
a position to provide supplies by land or the sea. During this time the
Air Force came to their rescue.
They helped to evacuate the sick and the wounded soldiers. "We cannot
forget the services rendered by the Air Force.
They conducted several sorties during that period. Through their eyes
they were able to locate several terrorist camps in the area and destroy
them successfully. They even silenced LTTE terrorist leaders like Thamil
Chelvam and Sornam.
There is a perception in the world that a conventional Army could not
simply defeat a ruthless terrorist organization. But our Armed Forces
have shown the world that they can be defeated.
"We salute our soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the