Central Finance continues steady growth
In the backdrop of current macro economic challenges in Sri Lanka,
Central Finance Company PLC (CF) has reported successful operational
results, for the 9 months ended December 31, 2008.
Total assets stood at Rs. 31.2 billion as compared with Rs. 29.4
billion in 2007 (April-December) while deposits increased from Rs. 12.3
billion to Rs. 13.3 billion.
Highlights for the period under review were an increase of 16 percent
in income over the comparable period generated through its core business
Profit before tax was 1.04 billion (increase of 6.4% over
corresponding period), while after tax profits recorded a marginal
(0.9%)drop due to higher taxation (Rs. 316 Million compared to Rs. 214
Million). Sound treasury management practices have resulted in
containing funding costs at 22%, which is significantly better than its
Despite the expansion of business activities, overhead cost increases
have been contained to a mere 6.7% (of which 2.1% includes VAT on
financial services) over the comparable period.
Shareholder funds continued to grow recording an increase of Rs. 660
Million and stands at Rs. 6.825 Billion.
Fitch Ratings Lanka, recently affirmed the Company's National
Long-term rating at `A+ (lka)' with the comment `The Outlook is Stable'.
"Well defined credit policies and stringent recovery procedures have
translated into asset quality that is amongst the best in Registered
Finance Company (RFC) sector in Sri Lanka," Fitch Ratings stated.