out is a tedious affair, which we all try to do in spite of our poor
reluctant bodies. My mother recently bought this strider, doctor’s
orders you see. But as she was going over the details with the salesman
at the store, I knew that she would lose interest in a matter of months.
And I was right, except she lost interest even before a month
expired. I tried it for a few days and haven’t had time to work out
Our house has been under renovation lately and I was amused to see
that the masons were using my mother’s ornamental strider as a ladder.
The strider had a built in digital device that kept count of speed and
calories lost, which is activated the moment someone steps on it.
The masons surreptitiously stepped on it to reach the top of a window
frame only to realize that they have accidentally activated the digital
device. They were caught red handed by a very appalled mother.
I recently went exercise machine shopping with a friend of mine. One
of them was prized at a staggering Rs. 21,000, but there are exercise
machines out there that cost double that. I very enthusiastically tried
all the machines.
No matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t master this cruncher.
Anyhow I finally managed to pull myself up a couple of times. I only
felt the effects of it the day after. I don’t know about calories, but I
think I burned my muscles.
I have a friend who is a little bit on the fat side. Not that she was
unattractive but she wanted to lose a little weight before she migrated.
Her sister was figure conscious you see and a health food freak. So
she just thought of our little excursion as a rehearsal. She suddenly
felt a dire need to swim. But when we went to the gym we realized horse
riding was also in the list of activities.
We paid Rs. 500 each for 10 rounds. When we finally strapped on our
helmets and my friend was all but ready to mount she pulled back.
She was overwhelmed by the sheer size of the creature. For the sake
of all journalists I was not about to give into a four-legged beast. But
only after I got closer did I realize how intimidating the creature was.
However my pride did not allow me to admit it. I swallowed my fear
and with great difficulty and with a little help by the caretaker was
able to mount the horse.
I ended up having to ride 10 whole rounds. The helper slowly walked
Estuarie - the horse - around for a few rounds and then asked whether I
wanted it to trot. Who in my state of mind at that particular moment
would want the horse to trot!
I vehemently refused. But there appeared a mischievous smirk across
the boy’s face that told me he had something up his sleeve. And he
suddenly commanded ‘Estuarie trot!’ and I invariably yelped ‘Estuarie
don’t trot!’
But the obstinate boy kept on repeating ‘Estuarie trot!’ In spite of
the fact that I knew the beast wouldn’t understand a word we were
saying, I said ‘Estuarie don’t you dare listen to him’.
Out of the corner of my eyes I could see my friend laughing her lungs
After the ten rounds I was exhausted and returned to an ecstatic
The pain took a few days to really set in. |