Global crisis for long
Havana, (Prensa Latina)
Experts attending the International Meeting on Globalization and
Development Problems here agreed that the current global economic crisis
will last long and be the most serious since the great depression of
1929.Director of the Latin American Program of Correspondence Education
in Social Sciences, Atilio Boron, said that unlike that of 1929, the
current collapse has a systemic nature.
He added that it is accompanied by crisis in energy, food, water,
environment and other complications, and it is the most complex and
harshest.Recovery will not be achieved in several quarters, as defenders
of the neoliberal system pretend, with even US authorities admitting
that it might take a decade, he noted.
It has yet to reach rock bottom, and a proof of that is plummeting
stock exchanges worldwide, despite capital injections, said Boron. He
called on participants in the meeting concluding Friday to denounce the
true nature and dimension of the crisis, which neoliberals are trying to
hide, as they say it is only financial and will have a way-out within
the system's mold.
Francois Houtar, from the Tri-continental Center, in Belgium, focused
his speech on the intellectuals' role in the construction of a
postcapitalist era and the transition to Socialism.