Kelsey launch Grove Piliyandala
Kelsey Homes, will launch their latest BOI approved housing project:
`The Grove' in Piliyandala.
A Kelsey home at `The
Grove’ |
The project will consist of a total of 20 architecturally - designed
homes with six designs to choose from ranging from a two-bedroomed
single-storeyed house to a four-bedroomed two-storeyed, house. 'The
Grove' is expected to fulfil the long-felt need of most Sri Lankans - an
affordable, quality house from a reliable housing developer.
"In our society, owning a home brings pride to the owners. But today,
building a house has become so unviable that most have had to postpone
owning their dream home.
The concept of "The Grove" is to make housing more affordable to
middle income groups in the country with a very competitive starting
price of Rs 5.3 million for a two - bedroomed 630sq.ft. home on 7
perches of prime land within a secure neighbourhood," said General
Manager of Kelsey Homes, Adel Hashim.
"Despite the houses being very competitively priced, there is no
compromise on the quality of construction; it's a Kelsey Home after
all," he added.
To demonstrate further Kelsey's commitment to high quality, all
houses come with an insurance backed, ten year structural warranty & a
labour & material free defect liability period of 12 months.