February 21st
Last week Koookie developed some rather disturbing holes in her skin
and spent a lot of time itching and licking. Kookie is one of my
Hewmie’s resident mutts. They had to take her to the local petinerary
Mistress Hacketty used a large polythene bag they found wrapping the
new fridge and then she kept it in a cupboard for this purpose in
future. This whole polythene problem makes me mad.
Hewmans have made a horrible slimey material which makes a horrible
high pitched noise like siri siri -, which they throw around everywhere
which stays pasted to the ground and trees and things and never goes.
Man, you can’t even shift the sand a bit to take a dump, there’s this
clingy stubborn stuff wrapping clumps of sand!!. I hear they say it is
so bad for the earth we live in.
I really won’t be affected much since the most I will live is 15
years, but don’t they care about their own cublets? these hewmans say
they love their offspring. They are constantly having babies one at a
time and taking them about to clinics and to grandparents’ houses and
showing them off and all.
But don’t they think about their futures, they have to live more than
twenty five or fifty years or even seventy five don’t they? so why do
they keep messing up the earth with this polythene layer? Polythene
aught not to just be banned it should be criminalized I tell you and
anyone caught smuggling polythene given a pretty long sentence.
Today my Hewmie family watched a movie called Slumdog. I wanted to
watch it too because I don’t know why some dog anywhere should get a lot
of prizes but it turned out the film was not about pooches.
It was about people from Indian slums. Well, if you think the people
are having a tough time in slums you should try talking to real slum
dogs in poor countries like here and see, their lives are living hell.
The best way to continue to survive would seem to be to get some real
rotting skin disease where your pelt is practically history and raw bits
of skin are falling off you- then you go on and on living (and itching )
Cats of course don’t live in slums .We use our brains and vote with
our feet and go somewhere where food is decent. We have standards, again
another of the reasons Egyptian nobility treated us like Gods. |