Saviour of the working class
Labour Tribunal turns fifty on April 4:
The golden jubilee of Labour Tribunal will be held at Sri Lanka
Foundation Institute, Colombo on April 4.
Unfair labour practice, extortion of
hard labour by powerful employers led to formation of trade
unions in the early 1930s |
Owing to unfair labour practice and extortion of hard labour by
powerful employers led to formation of trade unions in the early 1930s.
At times hard labour was engaged with no remuneration at all. Even today
this phenomenon frequently occurs in society. The trade unions persuaded
the then government which was in power in 1950s to enact several labour
laws and regulations in order to promote industrial peace among the
employers and employees.
Prior to the establishment of Labour Tribunals on May 2, 1959 when
the services of employees employed in many business establishments were
terminated, the workers had the habit of resorting to trade union
actions, such as launching strikes, go slow, work-to-rule, protests in
and outside workplaces and also bringing productions below the expected
target of the employer. This mode of reactions would undoubtedly affect
country's economy and disrupt industrial peace at the work place. At the
same time the worker who is deprived of his career definitely would
encounter many domestic difficulties such as children's education,
family upkeep and other liabilities.
The government drew attention to this situation and established
Labour Tribunals on May 2 1959, with the intention of resolving
industrial disputes. This brought a big relief to entire business
community. Today there are 36 Labour Tribunals (including circuits) in
the country performing a valuable and vital service to both employers
and employees. When the services of a worker in the private sector,
State corporation or statutory board is terminated he/she or the
relevant union on behalf of its member could file an application (Form
D) in the Labour Tribunal in terms of Industrial Dispute Act No. 43,
1950 under Section 31B (Regulation No. 15) in order to seek relief for
loss of his/her career.The learned President of relevant Labour Tribunal
would make inquiries into the merits and demerits of the reasons that
led to the termination of the services. At the conclusion of the case
the President would deliver just and equitable order. In the event a
party is not satisfied or agreeable with the President's order, one has
the right to appeal against the order to a higher judicial forum, the
Provincial High Court. In the case of a casual or temporary employee he
would be in a position to seek compensation for the loss of his career
but not in lieu of reinstatement. The Labour Tribunals were established
not only to award relief to workers, but also to mete out justice
impartially. If the number of workers in an organisation is less than
15, one could seek payment of gratuity from the Labour Tribunal. Further
if the employer intends to recover any loan taken from the employer from
payment of gratuity that dispute too could be dealt by Labour Tribunal.
Since April 1972 Labour Tribunals are administered by the Ministry of
Justice whereas Labour Department is administered by the Ministry of
An employee or relevant union on behalf of its member has the right
to go before Labour Tribunal within three months of his termination. (In
the event Labour Tribunal application is filed by the relevant union the
President or General Secretary of that union has to place his signature
in the application)
It should be filed in the Labour Tribunal with jurisdiction over his
last working place. For instance if the worker's last working place is
in Colombo and the resides in Kandy he/she cannot go before the Kandy
Labour Tribunal. He/she must file the application in the relevant Labour
Tribunal in Colombo. Most of the workers are unaware of this
requirement. Labour Tribunal application has to be filed in duplicate
within three months of his termination. It is also very important to
enter the party's name and address very correctly and clearly. The
Assistant Secretary of that Labour Tribunal duly registers the
application and calls for the answers of the respondent employer within
three days.
In the answer the date of commencement of work, reasons for
termination, date of termination, position, last drawn salary of the
worker has to be mentioned. The answer has to be in duplicate and sent
to Labour Tribunal within 30 days from the date of receipt of copy of
the application. Thereafter the applicant has to file the replication in
duplicate within 21 days on receipt of a copy of the answer of the
respondent. The President then directs his Assistant Secretary to call
parties for inquiry.
On the very first day said dispute could be settled monetarily or
otherwise the President of relevant Labour Tribunal would certainly
assist to bring about an amicable settlement. In the event there is no
settlement learned President shall hear both parties and all such
evidence as the Labour Tribunal may consider necessary and thereafter
deliver just and equitable order. Undoubtedly Labour Tribunal President
would be happy to see parties leave the Tribunal in peace and harmony
with no friction of dispute among them. In fact this is what litigants
and public expect from Courts. It is certainly the devout duty of a
Labour Tribunal.
We at this stage take this opportunity to thank incumbent Presidents
and ex-presidents of Labour Tribunals who rendered and who are rendering
yeomen and valuable service at present solving industrial disputes in
our country. May the Labour Tribunal serve to pave the way to preserve
the rights of employer/employee and general public as well.
At present the organising committee appointed by the Labour Tribunal
Practitioners Association is working hard to make this celebration a
success. The organising committee has already invited Chief Justice,
Sarath N. Silva as the chief guest Ministers and Members of Parliament,
Secretaries of Ministries, Attorney General, Commissioner General of
Labour, Director of I.L.O. (S.L. Branch) several lawyers and
distinguished guests will be present to mark this occasion on April 4,
2009 at 9.00 a.m. at Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, Colombo. |