Cityliner service to save cost
L. S. Ananda Wedaarachchi
The cityliner service which commenced recently from Katubadde to
Colombo Fort will be popularised. The National Transport Commission (NTC)
will launch the cityliner luxury coach service from other main roads to
Colombo Fort, said Chairman, NTC, Prof. Amal Kumarage.
He said the cityline service will start from Kadawatha, Talangama and
Werehara. The HighLevel road service will be decided later, he said.He
said although the number of passengers who used the cityliner coach
service was low, it will increase since it helps vehicle owners and
commuters to reduce transportation costs and save time.
He said that not only car owners schoolchildren and other commuters
can use the cityliner to travel to Colombo.
The cityline service will operate from 6 am to 8 am from Katubadde to
Fort and from 4 pm to 7 pm from Fort to Katubadde. The oneway fare is Rs.
According to research carried out by the Moratuwa University 750,000
commuters travel to Colombo by train and bus. Over 65 per cent of
commuter use around 12,000 buses.
The rest include private vehicles.
It was found that around 200,000 motor vehicles blocked over 65 per
cent of the road space.
The chairman said that introductory fare will be reduced next week.