Three in search of wealth
Prof. Sunanda MAHENDRA
The three were neither too rich nor too poor. They were not rich
since they spent too much on alcohol. They were not too poor as they had
enough money from robbing the villagers, and they used to share the
wealth. One day they heard of a cave of gold owned by a devil in the
forest. They started discussed about reaching this dark cave.
"We should have weapons and food for several days." Said the eldest.
"Each one should have his own weapons as well as the food." Said the
second, the younger one.
"No we should carry our weapons with us, and carry the foodstuff in
turn." That was the third young one.
As the three walked halfway they had met a certain old hermit in a
meditative mood. The three worshipped and the eldest asked the hermit:
"Sir, we heard that there is a cave in the forest full of wealth. Do you
know of that cave?" "Yes I know that place. But that place is guarded by
a furious devil who sleeps some times but is wide awake at times." The
three nodded their heads thanking him.
"We should kill the devil." said the eldest. The other two did not
have a better idea.
"But," said the second friend.
"We should keep tabs on his sleeping hours, and we should kill him
while he is fast asleep. Then we should strike him hard together and
kill him at once, with three blows." "I will give him the first blow."
Said the eldest.
"I will give the second." Said the second.
"With my blow he will be dead, for keeps." The third assured.
So they walked into the far interior of the forest vigilantly in
search of the cave of wealth. They heard a snoring sound at a distance.
Then they knew that it cannot be a human snoring. They slowly paced and
saw a giant of a devil fast asleep.
They hushed to each other to make sure of the sleeping devil. Then
all three stood at a distance in three directions. If the devil gets up
the first blow will come down followed by the second and the third.
A few yards off from where the devil lay they saw the entrance to the
dark cave. Though the cave was dark, they saw a glistening shine
emanating from the interior.That was gold, they knew, and in a little
while they saw the devil waking up. The eldest made a sign and on the
spur of the moment brought down a blow on the devil's head with his
sharp weapon. The evil eyed devil raised a painful cry, when the second
brought down his sharp weapon on the devil making him fall down. The
youngest brought off the operation by silencing the devil with the final
blow."Now, he should not get up." Said the eldest.
"Bring us a rope." He said. They had a rope. They tied the dead body
making sure that he would not get up anymore.
"Now we should see that is inside the cave." Said the eldest and went
into the cave. The second and the third friend followed suit.
They had some snacks to fill with gold, silver and other wealth. All
this is ours. We can share all and live well. But we need to do one
thing more." Said the eldest.
"What's that?" Asked the two other friends.
"Come on friends, we should toast our new wealth." They knew all they
brought along will then be over. They decided to send the youngest back
to the town to bring food and wine.
"We both can look after this until you come back. Come soon." Said
the eldest.
"Wish I could join you too. But I should be with the eldest here, you
know." Said the second."I know, I know. I'll be right back." Said the
youngest leaving the eldest and the second in this forest, near the
The youngest, on the other hand, had a plan against the other two. So
did the eldest, for he wanted to get rid of the other two too. Naturally
the second was also scheming against the other two.
"Let's rest a while here until the youngest gets back." Suggested the
eldest. While they relax, the eldest held his weapon tightly in his
head, stood up quickly and killed the second one. When the youngest got
back, he could not spot the eldest but the second lie dead.
As soon as the youngest approached the dead body, the eldest drew his
sword and killed the youngest. Then he found that the youngest had
returned with food and wine, enough for three.
"I am going to be the owner of this whole wealth at last! Why
shouldn't I be happy?" And then he gulped down the whole wine bottle.
Within a few moments, he felt his body swirling in a dizzy mood. It was
too late when he realised that he used up a poisoned bottle.
The hermit wanted to know what had really happened to the three
friends. He found four dead bodies lying before the precincts of the
dark cave full of wealth. He looked at the four bodies which will be
food for the hungry foxen and the tigers in the forest. |