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Sunday, 22 March 2009





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette


Prabhakaran: Killer of Tamils and contractor of graveyards!

Velupillai Prabhakaran is a man who has played anti-human roles over the past thirty years to take the Tamil community to the graveyard. He was the Prophet of Doom, hangman and the contractor to increase the number of Tamil deaths and graveyards. Until two years ago, some Tamils, not all, looked up to this criminal as a prophet.

Velupillai Prabhakaran

Some among the Tamil Diaspora was also responsible for the increased number of Tamil deaths in Sri Lanka, pumped money in millions into LTTE coffers to establish a dreamland of a separate state. With those monies, Prabhakaran who still without shame battles a losing war, have dug more graves for the Tamils.

Forces advanced

The Armed Forces have advanced in an unprecedented manner bringing defeat to the LTTE, hour by hour. Today, Prabhakaran and his cohorts are confined to a mere square kilo metre area in the jungles of Mullaitivu.

The left over LTTE cadres are fighting for the survival of Prabhakaran and not of the Tamil community. The military success had proved that Prabhakaran is longer an important factor to the Tamil question.

The only thing he had done over thirty years is to isolate his community. Tamils have now realised that they have suffered for three long decades under a false prophet who brought doom to their lives.

Prabhakaran with the help of late Anton Balasingham took the international community and the Tamil diaspora overseas for a jolly good ride. Today, the LTTE leader is a toothless Tiger, condemned by the international community.

The Tamil Diaspora has now realized that any further funding to this traitor of the Tamils, would result in more deaths to Tamils, as the LTTE has no solution to the grievances of Tamils.

The LTTE has nothing to prove or display for the millions they earned from Tamils overseas. They could only show the increased number of graveyards and tombs in the Northern sector. Those who rest in those graves are all Tamils.

Tamil political leaders who blindly followed the LTTE or backed them through fear, must now admit that they traversed on a path that was anti-Tamil.

They must now tender a public apology to the entire Tamil community. Tamil leaders who propagated the dream of a separate state cannot deny, that they blessed and nurtured the Tamil youth to take up arms in search of a distant dream of an Eelam.

No LTTE leadership

The LTTE is no leadership for Tamils. It is a barbarian terrorist outfit banned universally. No government could talk peace with a gang of murderers. And, today there is no need for such exercise.

The LTTE is now a spent force, rejected by the Tamils here and abroad. The cowardice of Prabhakaran is exposed today than before. How? Today he survives using innocent Tamil civilians as a human shield in those jungles.

The immediate problem of Tamils today is not food, clothing or shelter but, Prabhakaran. Because, he is the criminal who stands in the way of finding a solution to the Tamil issue. He has become the hangman and a graveyard contractor of the Tamil community. Prabhakaran wants to see the end of Tamils.

He knows his days are numbered as the military onslaught mounts heavily day by day. He has nothing to offer to the Tamil people. He can only offer further death and destruction to the entire Tamil community. Therefore, the time has come for all Tamils to unite to bury Prabhakaran and his LTTE.

Tamils must now look for a new democratic leadership to fulfill the quest of peace and security. Because, Prabhakaran has to go, and must now go without further delay for the Tamil community to survive.

There are two options left for Velupillai Prabhakaran. He could swallow the cyanide capsule that is hanging around his neck for three long decades. Or, he should surrender to the Armed Forces without causing further deaths and destruction to his community.

Tamils yearn for an opportunity to emerge out from a period of despair. They have suffered enough. Two generations of Tamil youth rest in the graveyards of Prabhakaran.

All armed struggles by Tamil youth proved futile beyond doubt. Those who realised it earlier, entered the democratic stream of politics as we see today from Douglas Devananda to Siddharthan, from Karuna to Pillayan.

The agony and pain of Tamils seem to come to an end. Prabhakaran will only go down in Tamil history as the criminal who killed the most number of Tamils and human beings, and dug the most number of graves to bury Tamils. Also, as the man who created the most number of graveyards in Tamil speaking areas.


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