Energy Globe Award for Brandix Green Factory
Global recognition has once again been bestowed on Sri Lanka's
Brandix Group in the form of an Energy Globe Award, the World's most
prominent and prestigious environmental prize, for its world-leading
Green Factory at Seeduwa.
The impressive environment-friendly indicators achieved by the
Brandix Eco Centre have resulted in the Group being adjudged the
National Winner for Sri Lanka, and being named one of three nominees for
the Energy Globe World Award in the 'Air' category at next month's award
presentation in Prague.
Czech Republic, before a global television
audience of three billion people.A total of 769 projects and initiatives
in 111 countries were evaluated in the categories of Air, Earth, Fire,
Water and Youth for this year's awards, which take place as the opening
event of the European Environmental Ministers Meeting in Prague on April
14. Nobel Prize winner Rajendra K. Pachauri and Martin Bursik, President
of the EU Environmental Council will be among the award presenters.
"This recognition before a truly global audience is as
important for Sri Lanka as it is for Brandix," said CEO of the Brandix
Group.Ashroff Omar, "It shows the world that tough economic conditions
and domestic conflict notwithstanding there are manufacturers in Sri
Lanka who remain committed to ideals and standards."The Brandix Green
Factory, which is the highest-rated platinum-Certified Green apparel
manufacturing plant in the world under the Leadership in Energy and
Environment Design (LEED) systems, has reduced Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
emissions to the atmosphere by 80 per cent, Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
emissions by 71 per cent and Nitrogen Oxides (NO2) by 92 per cent;
achieved an energy saving of 46 per cent, reduced potable water use by
70 per cent and documented that almost all of the site-generated solid
waste is recycled. |