First centre set up:
Cocoa processing at rural level
The country's first-of-its-kind Cocoa Processing Center was
established in the rural village of Ulpotha in Matale recently, under
Etimos Lanka (Pvt) Ltd's innovative project "Micro Finance meets small
producers in Sri Lanka."
The project "Micro Finance meets small producers in Sri Lanka" was
launched by Etimos Lanka (Pvt) Ltd, recently with the aim of supporting
and investing in small producers by assisting them with investing in
technology in order to increase capacity and production.
With the identification of Sri Lankan cocoa as one of the world's
best, Etimos Lanka (Pvt) Ltd partnered with Istituto Co-operation
Economica Internazionale (ICEI) and two Cocoa Producers' Associations
named Palapathwela and Yatawatte to form Co-operation for Industrial
Development Lanka (Pvt) Ltd (COOP-ID), a company focused on processing
of cocoa beans.COOP-ID was established to organize and conduct meetings
with cocoa producers and their producer partners, introduce farmer and
technology training and liaising with the agricultural departments with
the main objective of reviving the dying cocoa industry in Sri Lanka.
COOP-ID, meanwhile, is looking at increasing cocoa production in the
country by extending new cultivation to other areas such as Moneragala.
The Organisation also hopes to facilitate other agriculture base
products like onion farming, vegetable and fruit cultivation,
horticulture and paddy cultivation.