Computer typesetting and DTP for school leavers at SLIP
The Sri Lanka Institute of Printing (SLIP) will commence the
certificate course in Computer Type Setting and Desk Top Publishing end
March 09.
The Institute has already started issuing application forms for this
program due to high demand and the selection of student will be done
after an interview due to the limited intake of students by SLIP
The course will provide the required knowledge and skills in computer
typesetting and essential Computer knowledge, applications, operating
systems and basic graphic designing skills etc.. The course content was
designed to provide the current industry knowledged and skill to help
employment in the print & Graphic industry.
The course is spread over five months with classes twice a week in
3-4 hour sessions in week days and week ends.
The Sri Lanka Institute of printing can be contacted on 2686162 and
2679791 or by visiting the Institute at the Government Press, No. 118
Dr. Danister De Silva Mawatha, Colombo 08. SLIOP can also be contacted
on [email protected]