Wives, the pace-setters...
A. C. de Silva
Many women still consider their menfolk as money-making machines who
earn and bring enough (or not enough) to let them run the homes! Yet, if
only women pause and think, they would realise that men spend most of
their waking hours on their careers. What is it, that women, as wives,
mothers, and daughters, can do to help the men in their careers?
Whether educated or uneducated, women can see to it, that the men
have their clothes laid out, shoes polished and food or breakfast ready,
and the table laid out, before the men leave for office. As far as
possible, women should not burden their husbands with minor tasks of
buying things for the household or getting things repaired. It is much
easier for the women to do their shopping during their leisure hours.
But if your chores at home are so great that you cannot stir out, at
least take the precaution of writing out a list of what you want from
him to do, and if he has not been able to attend to all your requests,
you should not nag him when he returns, on his inefficiency or
Many wives are much more ambitious than their husbands and egg them
on or criticise them for not getting promotions or earning more. One
should realise the dangers fraught with such an attitude.
If the husband is sensitive, he will react violently to such remarks,
and may take to short-cuts or corrupt means to argument his income or
come up in his career.
Sometimes, such constant nagging may create an inferiority complex in
him, and force him further down the ladder.
Whatever he is - a clerk or a mechanic or a postman - having married
him, it is for the wife to respect him as well as his career, as an
honest means of livelihood, (rather than being a waster or a person who
lives on others earnings) and bolster up his self-confidence, by
pointing out that he is an important link in society and that he is in
his own way, contributing to the nation's progress, when he does his job
- however small, unattractive or insignificant it may appear-honestly
and well. The essential point is to live in contentment within your
If only our women provide this mental filip to our men in their
careers, much of the corruption, indifference, red-tapisum and
inefficiency that stand in the way of the nation's progress will
Another aspect in which a woman can help her husband is not to
exploit his position or career for her own prestige or her comforts and
Very often, women do throw their weight about, especially over wives
of subordinates, and this reflects very badly on the careers of the
husband. It is like the traditional mother-in-law who bosses over the
daughter-in-law forgetting that she was also a daughter-in-law once!
Sometimes psychology works the other way too. Just because you as a wife
of a subordinate was bossed over or snubbed by the wife of your
husband's superior, you like to take it out, on another subordinate's
wife. Either way, it is just not on good taste, and let not women be the
cause of ill-feelings between officers and subordinates, that might ruin
the smooth and efficient working of any office.
Educated wives can positively help their husbands in their careers in
many ways like filing letters, typing, taking phone messages, and
preserving all old bills and receipts that may be useful to him.
Today, men have to do a lot of entertaining of business associates
and colleagues, and here again, wives have to co-operate with their
husbands in making such receptions a success. There is of course the
danger of our women overdoing it too.
Women must bring men into the belief that women are very feminine and
still rather helpless, and to that extent, women especially educated
ones must learn not to show off their education or their knowledge of
their men's careers, especially in front of others. While entertaining,
take care to see that you do not deflate your husband's ego, by
belittling him, or his comments, or criticising him. In fact it has been
found that the uneducated wife, who speaks very little and just commands
respect because of her essentially feminine approach and her quiet
dignified bearing, is a greater success at such business receptions or
entertainments, than the talkative, educated wife, who overwhelms the
men around her with brashness and her manly bearing.
Trust is indeed another essential factor from a wife to help her
husband in his career. Constant suspicion and telephone calls to the
office to check on his activities will actually drive him to disloyalty.
On the whole, a wife has to co-operate with her husband in all his
activities that build up a career both positively and negatively. |