The greatest gift I ever received
The day I came first in my class, at school, I received the coolest
gift ever. I was given ‘royal treatment’ for over a month. My mistakes
were ignored. I was allowed to watch unlimited TV. And, this was the
greatest gift I ever received, or so I thought...

The problem I had with gifts was that each time I received a gift
from a person, I would consider it to be the greatest gift I ever
received. One such occasion was my seventh birthday, where my parents
bought me a computer. As soon as I got it, I fixed it and started
playing with it the whole day. At that time, a computer of my own was
the greatest gift I ever received.
Two years later when I was nine years old, my uncle bought me a
portable TV game. At that time it certainly was a great gift, because
until that moment I didn’t have a portable TV game of my own.
But one day, I just thought about all the gifts I had received.
Although they are the greatest gifts I have ever received, one day they
will all be broken, ruined and of no use. However, there is one gift I
have got which is very precious. It was with me from the time I was born
and I hope it will be with me until the day I die.
It is none other than my mother. She has guided me protected me, and
cared for me until this very minute. She has been a good friend to me;
more than just a mother, because whenever I have a problem, at school or
in the family, I just tell her with the belief that she would give me a
good solution, making sure that the problem will not get worse or that
it will affect me and my studies.
She has also been a shield to me, because whenever I go for tuition
classes, my teacher would immediately receive a call from my mother
asking, “Has my son arrived?” And my teacher would give her usual reply
She has not only been a good friend and a guide, but also a good
cook, comedian, adviser and a teacher. Whenever I feel sad or exhausted,
she would tell me a good joke or else she would cook me one of the best
meals I have eaten in my life.
As a teacher, she teaches me whenever I have a problem with my sums,
because she is also a good mathematician. As an adviser she advises me
whenever i make a mistake. This advice is not boring and worthless, but
interesting and makes me realise my mistakes.
The greatest gift I ever received is something that will never
perish. It’s something I will not get bored playing, reading or
entertaining myself with. It’s one I cannot imagine living without, and
I’m grateful for, every single day. My mother, my best friend is the
greatest gift I ever received.
Ashkar Aflal, grade 9, Hejaaz International
School, Mt. Lavinia.
Impact of television

Television is a very useful mode of education and entertainment. The
best of teachers can teach large numbers of students, but there are many
things which are difficult even for them to teach without any visual
The television becomes an ideal means of making unfamiliar objects
familiar. For example, children can see a snowfall; it becomes as a
reality and not just a spoken or written word.
Students of science get the greatest benefit out of television.
Geography becomes a fantastic subject. Lessons on television become both
entertaining and instructive. Educational programmes too bring
everything vividly before the students.
However, there is also a bad side to television. Some children watch
too many cartoons and teledramas instead of the educational programmes
and get addicted to it. They spend less time on their studies as a
result. So, there are both good and bad effects of television, depending
on the way one uses it.
All in all, we can say that television has more of a good than bad
impact on children. It is a good source of information for
schoolchildren because they can amass a vast amount of knowledge through
Kenneth Hulugalla, Grade 8,Trinity College,Kandy.
The most sacred place in Sri Lanka
The Temple of the Tooth Relic situated in the city of Kandy is a very
valuable and hallowed edifice in our country because, the sacred Tooth
Relic of the Buddha is kept here. Buddhists venerate this sacred Tooth
Relic as the living Buddha. We consider the Tooth Relic as the symbol of
This sacred Tooth Relic has a long history. Prince Dhantha and
Princess Hemamala brought this Relic to Sri Lanka during the reign of
Kithsirimevan. Thereafter the many kings governing our country also
protected this valuable Relic by even sacrificing their lives. In the
past, the sacred Tooth Relic was kept in various other places. The
present Temple of the Tooth Relic was initially built by King
Many local and foreign people worship at this place to obtain
blessings. When we visit this place we can calm our minds. There is a
very pleasant climate and beautiful surroundings in the city of Kandy.
The area is full of natural beauties like lakes, waterfalls, botanical
Many valuable rituals and customs are associated with the sacred
Tooth Relic. Our ancient kings followed them without breaking them over
the years. These customs and rituals are respected and protected in the
same manner even today.
Various cultural festivals are held in connection with the sacred
Tooth Relic, and the foremost among them is the Esala perahera. Various
kinds of cultural items including Kandyan drummers and dancers, low
country dancers enhance the Esala perahera. The Maligawa tusker and
other majestic elephants also go in the spectacular procession. Many
local and foreign people come to see this perahera.
As Buddhists it is our duty to protect this valuable Relic for the
future generations. The sacred Tooth Relic is a blessing to the entire
Kalpana Athukorala,Taxila Central College,Horana.
Problem of obesity

Obesity or being podgy is bad for one’s health. Many teenagers are
suffering from this due to their busy schedules and bad eating habits.
Most parents think that their children are healthy even though they are
fat. It is not so most often. According to medical research overweight
human beings fall ill very easily. They also suffer from many ailments
such as diabetes, high/low blood pressure and so on.
One of the main reasons for this condition is eating lots of foods
rich in proteins, fat and carbohydrates. Too much of instant or fast
foods, fatty foods and sweets are bad for the health.Sometimes genes and
a family history of obesity are other factors that makes a person fat.
In this modern world, people do not have enough places, like parks
and trails to do exercises, except for gyms. Most children and parents
spend their time in front of televisions and computers. Also, they
travel by vehicles and hardly do any walking. They do not have enough
time to do physical activities because of their busy work schedules.
Many children do not like to eat nutritious food like grains, green
leaves, rice, vegetables and fruits. It is an unhealthy practice to eat
junk food.So, try to eat more nutritious food and enjoy life, being
Sachintha Lakshan Wickremaarachchi, Grade
8F,Rahula College,Matara.
Preserve nature
Nature is our mother,
Nature is our life,
We live in a web together,
It balances our life.
If you harm nature,
It will turn back on you,
Friends, don’t you remember,
The tidal wave disaster?
Always protect nature,
As we protect ourselves,
Plant trees and manure them
Look after them as your eyes.
Fresh and cool streams,
Pure cooling breeze,
Lots of shady trees,
How nice nature is!
W. Ann Sachini Tharushika Fernando, Grade 8C,Holy
Family Convent, Kalutara. |