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Sunday, 1 November 2009





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Why Human Resources Development urgently needs new DNA - Part II

Continue from 25/10/09

What does it take to succeed in a fiercely competitive world? What are the ingredients of success? In an attempt to answer these questions and unravel the art and science of success, Edward de Bono talked to fifty men and women who have been outstandingly successful in fields such as architecture, real estate, fashion photography, sports, law, home furnishing, personal development, publishing, psychology, hospitality, research, advertising, filmmaking, energy, banking, politics, electronics, motor racing, pop music, insurance and broadcasting.

His final conclusion is really astounding: To be successful, you have to be lucky, or a little mad, or very talented, or find yourself in a rapid-growth field.

His study clearly shows that there is no simple formula behind success, and that HRD has a very complex challenge in trying to foster individual success, which will lead to corporate success.

Having formulated the 4 Dimensions of Success, identified the 5 human intelligences needed to master any complex situation, and identified the ingredients for personal success, the question remains: How can HRD programmes arm all levels of staff with these core competencies and talents, which will be the only corporate vaccine against increasing volatility and impending debacles in the uncertain world we now live in?

Human energy system

As Werner Heisenberg, a pioneering German quantum physicist, remarked, In the history of human thinking, most important developments took place when two different lines of thought met, from different cultural or religious traditions.

Quantum Theory, which postulates that the universe at the subatomic level is an energy field (not solid as we experience it), is a blend of eastern religion and modern physics. Similarly, HRD now has to draw on lines of thought that were ignored by traditional management thinking and training programmes, which were totally based on rationality and the concept, Business is the business of business.

How can we develop the full potential in every human being? Master Del Pe, a pioneer in developing corporate training programmes that blend modern management science with Himalayan wisdom, has likened the human energy system to a cell phone: The physical human body is our hardware; Our vitality or energy level is like the battery; Our emotional and mental profiles that govern our daily thinking and actions are like the software; Our antenna is our cosmic connection to the universe through which we receive flashes of inspiration and intuitional insights.

Even with a strong physical body, high energy, stable emotions and a sharp mind, there can be no real inspiration without this cosmic connection.

In scientific terms, as the world becomes more chaotic and unpredictable, we need to strengthen our cosmic connection and increase the bandwidth, in order to download creative ideas and innovative solutions to unprecedented problems.

Using Human Energy Science

Can HRD transform ordinary performers into corporate superstars who thrive on chaos and produce outstanding results, against all odds? Can HRD create brilliant entrepreneurs like Sir Richard Branson, who created Virgin Atlantic and made it the airline of choice between the UK and the USA, ignoring media ridicule such as too old to rock-and-roll and too young to run an airline? Or, are such people the result of Darwinian natural selection, over which we have no control?

Human Energy Science provides HRD with the conceptual foundation for improving the physical, emotional and intellectual capabilities of any healthy human being, and arming them with the 4 Dimensions of Success, 5 Human Intelligences, and key ingredients for success such as luck, a little madness, talent, and the ability to sense and enter high-growth fields.

Developing the 10 power centres in our body

Master Del Pe, in his pioneering work in the field of Human Energy Science, inspired by Himalayan Masters, has identified 10 power centres in our body called Chakras that directly govern all our physical, mental and emotional competencies.

Each of the 10 Power Centres governs specific competencies: 1) Top-of-Head or Crown: intuition, inspiration, wisdom, altruism and higher consciousness. 2) Forehead: memory, insightfulness, imaginativeness and greater awareness. 3) Mid-brow: mental willpower and stamina, focus, constancy and abstract mental intelligence. 4) Throat: concrete intelligence, objectivity, practicality, capacity for details, transforming ideas into plans, communication skills, organisation and results. 5) Heart: emotional intelligence, charisma, love, compassion, joy and inner peace. 6) Solar Plexus: passion, desire, courage, happiness, commitment and determination. 7) Spleen: vitality, good health and purification of toxins. 8) Navel: vitality, internal power, stamina, courage, rejuvenation, instincts and physical agility. 9) Sex: sexual vitality, personal magnetism, creativity, humour and success. 10) Base-of-Spine: financial & material success, physical health, stamina and ability to materialize goals.

For example, an otherwise capable person who is unable to transform ideas into plans and achieve results will have weak throat and base-of-spine energy centres.

A manager with poor personal relationship skills will need to develop the Heart centre.

In all such cases, until the relevant energy centres are developed, no amount of cognitive training will produce the desired results. Developing the 10 Power Centres will automatically develop all human competencies to their full level.

Eight simple exercises for developing the 10 Power Centres Master Del Pe has synthesised the esoteric practices of eastern mystics into 8 simple exercises that activate all 10 power centres in our body.

Specially designed for busy people, and requiring only about 10 minutes per day, these seemingly simple exercises purify, revitalise & balance the entire human energy system.

A brief summary of the 8 exercises that combine gentle physical movements with synchronized breathing: 1) Curling the Spine forwards and backwards releases tension in the upper body and spine. 2) Circular Arm Swings oxygenate the lungs and empower the upper torso. 3) Upper Body Turns release tension in the upper torso and spine. 4) Circular Hip Rolls loosen the hips and circulate vital energy throughout the body. 5) Abdominal Contractions detoxify, revitalise and exercise the internal organs. 6) Squats with Arm Stretching slow the aging process, increase will power and improve circulation of blood and vitality. 7) Upward Body Stretches align the entire body, release pressure on the spine and strengthen lower legs and feet. 8) Side-to-Side Body Stretches loosen up the sides of the body and oxygenate the lungs and blood.

These exercises rejuvenate the body, oxygenate the cells, and improve vitality. They liberate and circulate more internal energy than a normal 1-hour athletic or martial arts training session.

They must be integrated into every cognitive HRD training programme, since they help develop the 4 Dimensions of Success, the 5 Human Intelligences, and foster the elements of individual success identified by Edward de Bono.

To be continued

Next: Mastery of emotions and beliefs



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