'CMSC-MRA Sevanagala Rally 2009'
SEVANAGALA RALLY: Motor Racing sees another unique joint meet where
the Ceylon Motor Sports Club (CMSC) join hands with the Motor Racing
Association (MRA) to organize the CMSC-MRA Sevanagala Rally 2009, on the
21st and 22nd of November 2009.
MRA organized many successful Speed Rally Championships of National
standing since 2002, both on Gravel and on tarred surfaces, while the
CMSC has organized the prestigious "Lotus Rally" for the past 50 years.
MRA being pioneers in the field of SPEED RALLYING, and CMSC being the
oldest club in Sri Lanka, partner each other with joint strengths, to
elevate and level of Rallying to international standards. Rallying is
very popular amongst spectators as they can see their heroes drive their
machines in the most spectacular manner.
In the Asian region, the front running rally is the Asia Pacific
Rally Championship and this year the Sevenagala Rally too will be run on
the similar format, ensuring that the classes remain in accordance with
the Governing Body of Motor Sport.
The rally will consist of the undermentioned classes:
SL GT up to 3500 cc, SL H up to 1600 cc, SL A up to 1400 cc, SL A up
to 1050 cc, One Make Nissan March, One Make Mini 1000 cc, Trucks & Jeeps
up to 3000 cc "Diesel Non-turbo", Trucks and Jeeps Open, Team Entries
(Maximum of 02 cars per team)
Giving an outline of the rally MRA President Ameene Deen and Niroshan
Pereira Vice President of CMSC said that the rally is being organized by
two clubs as they wanted to make the sport more professional by
utilizing the resources jointly. Both clubs had strengths in different
areas and that together a better meet could be expected.