Impact of globalisation on university education
by S. R. Palliyaguruge

University of Peradeniya
When reading the series of Gunadasa Amerasekara’s novels beginning
with “Gamanaka Mula”, what strikes the readers is how knowledgeable
university students were in the 1950s! Piyadasa, the protagonist of the
novel, albeit educated up to grade twelve, had a thorough grasp of the
Sri Lankan nationalist movement beginning with Anagarika Dharmapala.
In the university, he becomes a leading scholar and becomes an expert
in international politics including Marxism, religions in the West,
Western civilisation and modern literary trends. That was in the 1950s.
But the present university student’s knowledge is far below the level of
Piyadasa and does not come closer to that of Balamahattaya in the novel.
Actually, this is a bad time for universities. Instead of becoming
centres of intellectual discourse, universities have become a place for
inhuman ragging, violence and petty demonstrations. Why have
universities become such bad places nowadays? Why isn’t there any
meaningful discourses or discussions taking place at these places?
There may be several reasons for this situation in our universities.
One could say it is because of party politics encroaching into
universities, or the examination-oriented nature of universities, or the
fact that our students would not have employment opportunities after
their graduation. These factors may be true, but the most prominent
factor is the influence of globalisation.
It should be clear that today’s schoolchild is not the one of the
past. In the past, a schoolchild’s bag contained a heap of books and a
box of mathematical tools. However, today, a child’s bag contains CDs,
computers, pen drives and the latest mobile phones. A child’s mental
status has also changed today. Those days, children woke up to the sound
of the cockerel and commenced reading books after listening to the
pirith chanting.
Child of today
But the child of today would wake up to the alarm bell of the clock
or the alarm of the mobile phone, and would go on to watch cartoons on
television. From then onwards, his/her timetable would be filled up with
tuition classes late into the evening and then watching television. A
child who leads such a hectic life has no time left to admire nature and
there is no space to develop any instinct or talents.
This is a sample student who would eventually end up in the
university. The important fact is that the majority of students who
enter the university are products of the television and tuition culture.
In other words, they are the first generation who has been brought up
after the introduction of television and mass tuition classes. The
question to be asked is not about the absence of discourse in
universities or knowledge outside the syllabus, but how they are going
to pass the required examinations.
It is, therefore, clear that all these consequences are the
byproducts of globalisation or the invasion of Western culture which
comes through television, the internet and multinational companies. We
who have become pawns on a fast-moving conveyor belt have no option, but
to run as fast as the belt moves, lest we be thrown out. This is exactly
what happened to university students who are also the same as those who
run on that belt. Therefore, how can there be a discourse and a
meaningful dialogue? Today, the university student has become a pawn in
the political struggle outside the university.
Therefore, one can argue that university students have become
empty-headed people who do not engage in any discourse because of the
above factors. Though it is true, to a greater extent, they themselves
are responsible for their plight. Why should they become victims of a
cultural invasion?
When university education commenced in Sri Lanka, there were a couple
of issues that the university student faced. First was that students
were unable to adapt to the university culture though they were well
versed in English.
Prof. Ediriweera Sarachchandra described that issue in his
autobiography “Pin Ethi Sarasavi Varamak” . Second, was to find the
learning material; that is to find books. The next issue was to go
abroad to face examinations. It is similar to students who passed the
London Matriculation Examination, having to sit for the Cambridge Senior
and the Ceylon Civil Service examinations. Has today’s university
student faced such issues? Thanks to globalisation, there are no such
issues any more for university students.
In fact, there are endless sources which can easily be found on the
internet. However, the irony is, though there are plenty of resources,
the same globalisation has hampered accessing them. It is the tragedy
that today’s university students face. |