Remember to smile... Le copaine.... (F)
Though life is a tiresome game, I never knew that it's this tiresome.
I learned this the day you discussed with me about the beauty of another
I really know that I don't look as good as her, but why didn't you
realize that weakness in me two years ago on the day you expressed your
love for me. Hmmm...... If I were to plant a seed every time I think
about you, I'll have to literally work in a garden 24 X 7, for the rest
of my life. Though I think about you in such a way...... I know that
your heart belongs to someone else.
But remember to smile, because there's someone who is waiting for it
and loves it. There's no valuable gift in my life than your sweet smile.
And though you ignore me, you'll be the coach in every tiresome game
that I play in my life.
"I LOVE YOU F.........."
Love Lines
The lover lost
You tracked me for five long years
You loved me intensely,
But misfortune beckoned you,
And you fell for it.
When you took the wrong path
You hurt me terribly - my heart bled
I thought I could not bear it
But each time you strayed - you came back
And I was there to take you in.
And you knew it.
You called me Our God
You had no fear,
Both of us knew
That there was that "Golden Thread of Love"
Which pulled us together
And bonded us
For how long?
Fifty nine long years
What ever you did -
I knew that I was the only woman in your life
And you knew - that I knew it.
To A - From S.