Three Rajans win weight class at Schools Weightlifting Nationals
by Upananda JAYASUNDARA - Kandy Sports Special Corr.
WEIGHTLIFTING: Three weightlifters - W.A.D.S. Wijesinghe, H.M.T.L.
Bandara and D.R.U.I.B. Kapuliyadde secured first place in their weight
class and helped Dharmaraja College to win the under-17 age category at
the Sri Lanka Schools Nationals Weightlifting Contest held at Ananda
College Sports Complex.
Wijesinghe won the under 77 kg weight category, Bandara won the under
85 kg weight category and Kapuliyadde won the 95 kg plus weight
category. W. Weerasinghe got second place and W. Swarnasinghe secured
third place in the 69 kg weight category. Rajans also emerged runners-up
in the team championship.