Seylan Bank expands services to North and East
Seylan Bank recently opened a new branch in Nelliady and two new
extension offices in Manipay and Chankanai in line with President
Mahinda Rajapaksa's 'Uthuru Wasanthaya' vision to bring the North into
mainstream economic activity, and thus forging a stronger presence in
those areas.
Governor of the Central Bank Ajith Nivard Cabraal was Chief Guest at
the branch opening at Nelliady.
Ajith Nivard Cabraal, Governor Central
Bank , Dr. Weerasinghe Chief Economist (left), Eastman
Narangoda Chairman Seylan Bank PLC(right), Ranee Jayamaha
Advisor to the President on Banking and Uthuru Wasnthaya, R.
Nadarajah Executive Director Seylan Bank PLC, Ajita Pasqual
General Manager/Chief Executive Ajith Devasurendra Director,
Kamal Deshapriya Assistant General Manager Marketing and
other invitees being welcome by the people in Nelliady. |
Also present were Advisor to the President on Banking and "Uthuru
Wasanthaya" Dr. Mrs. Ranee Jayamaha, Chairman of Seylan Bank PLC Eastman
Narangoda, Executive Director Seylan Bank R. Nadarajah, Director Ajith
Devasurendra, General Manager/CEO Ajita Pasqual and several other
distinguished officials from the Central Bank and Seylan Bank PLC.
The Manipay and Chankanai Extension Offices were open by Chairman of
Seylan Bank PLC Eastman Narangoda.
The new branch openings complement the already existing seven year
old Jaffna Branch of Seylan Bank and thus increase the Bank's presence
in the North.
These branches are now fully geared to take Seylan Bank's bouquet of
products and services to the people of the North and East and enable
them to experience the same benefits enjoyed by their fellow countrymen.
Seylan Bank being the pioneer in introducing extended banking hours on
weekdays and Saturday banking, will offer the same service to the newly
opened branches as well.
The ATM facility enabling 24-hour access to accounts will also be
offered to customers in the North thus enabling them to experience the
superior quality of service Seylan Bank is reputed for.
Chairman of Seylan Bank PLC Eastman Narangoda said, "We are happy
with the idea of expanding it to the North and East.
This venture forms part of a long-term plan to increase our presence
in these areas and reach out to everyone, irrespective of race, caste
and creed".
With the end of the war, the Bank was very actively involved in
providing Mobile Banking Services to the IDP camps. Inward remittances
and pawning services have recorded a substantial growth since then with
all products recording overall positive growth.
We are proud to be of service to the nation in good times and in bad.
The Seylan Bank's strong restructuring and solid financial
performance have enabled us, in no small measure, to build confidence
among the public and thus consolidate our position as one of the leading
players in the Sri Lankan banking industry", Narangoda added.