Correct decisions made IFS reap dividends
by Surekha GALAGODA
IFS is rolling out a new agile development methodology across the
group and Sri Lanka is controlling the technical training from the
second half of last year said Thomas Petersson - Senior Vice President -
Product and Marketing - IFS in an exclusive interview. The branding
exercise in Sri Lanka is significant as training and education are key
to the growth in Sri Lanka.
Thomas Petersson |
He said that being an offshore development centre Sri Lanka has
become one of the most efficient distribution development organizations
in the world.
IFS has worked with the University of Peradeniya for a long time and
we have now intensified it with the opening of the IFS Kandy office and
also IFS has opened a IFS lab to conduct advanced research.
He said that the market has changed a lot and today customers make
decisions based on the information they get from the peers, websites and
comparing them as opposed to the traditional marketing methods practiced
earlier. Therefore, vendors have to live their brand.
No matter what you say you have to deliver and be true to your
customers. Most major brands carry out rebranding exercises since they
don't deliver what they promise. But we deliver what we promise and the
customer is intelligent to understand it.
Explaining the rationale for the change in the graphical identity he
said that IFS has been in operation for a long time and we have a lot of
international customers.
Over the last five years we have become one of the biggest players in
the industry and we are no longer an emerging company challenging
Today IFS is recognized as a financial stable player and IFS wants to
position itself as the best in electronic communication.
IFS took steps to invest in new markets as well as infrastructure and
today the company is reaping the benefits of its investment, said
He said that the correct decisions taken at the correct time has
helped to reap dividends.
During the recession and upto now IFS has been able to increase the
financial figures and since we are in specialized areas our customers
were less affected by the recession.
For example the IFS market share in the area of defence is double
that of its closest competitor which is proof of our quality.
Therefore, at IFS nothing has changed but yet everything has changed
said Petersson explaining the rationale behind the new graphical
Intel and govt collaborate to accelerate access to technology
Intel EM Limited and the Government of Sri Lanka have come to an
agreement to accelerate access to technology to improve opportunities
for education, commerce and communication for Sri Lanka through a series
of initiatives under Intel's World Ahead program.
President Mahinda Rajapaksa is handing
over the PC to Master Maleesha Aryan Sulthanagoda of D S
Senanayake College. |
One aspect of this agreement was launched at Asia's premier ICT event
-'eAsia 2009' which commenced in Colombo, on December 2. Of three key
announcements made at the launch, Intel's commitment to disseminate
Classmate PCs to schoolchildren across the island was the first to be
announced and Chief Guest at the event President Mahinda Rajapaksa
accepted one such PC from Navin Shenoy, General Manager, Intel
Asia-Pacific, Indika De Zoysa, Country Business Manager, Intel EM Ltd,
Sri Lanka and, then handed it over to Master Maleesha Aryan Sulthanagoda
of D S Senanayake College. Also present to witness this were Lalith
Weeratunga, Secretary to the President, Presidential Secretariat, Sri
Lanka, (Prof) Tissa Vitharana, Minister of Science and Technology, Sri
Lanka, Priyantha Kariyapperuma, Director General Sri Lanka
Telecommunications Regulatory Commission N. E. Narayanan, Chairman of
Centre for Science, Development and Media Studies (CSDMS) and Reshan
Dewapura, COO / Director of Information and Communications Technology
Agency of Sri Lanka. At the presentation ceremony President Mahinda
Rajapaksa said "My Government and I believe that any developmental
activity we embark upon should benefit the people of our country and are
dedicated to making the idea of the global village more meaningful to
our people.
ICT is the only tool that will cross or break geographical barriers
and social barriers". And commended all who had worked tirelessly to
ensure the dissemination of ICT in Sri Lanka and went on to say that he
is committed to ensuring that Sri Lanka achieves an ICT literacy rate of
over 60% by the year 2012. "It is up to all of us to ensure that these
are not just dreams, that we achieve each one of these goals."
Speaking on Intel's agreement with the Government of Sri Lanka, Navin
Shenoy, General Manager, Intel Asia-Pacific said: "ICT is a positive
force for social and economic benefit in Asia. Through our joint efforts
with the Government of Sri Lanka under the banner of Intel's World Ahead
program, we aim to accelerate growth and innovation for the country, and
connect more Sri Lankans to opportunity." Intel and the Government of
Sri Lanka will work together to deploy Intel Teach, the 1:1 eLearning
program and the Intel skoool Maths and Science learning technologies
program, all of which support the effective use of technology in
Laptop for every student by 2010
In a further move to fulfilling the Mahinda Chintana policy statement
on making the benefits ICT accrue to the people, a project aimed at
providing every student with a laptop by 2010 was launched by President
Mahinda Rajapaksa recently.
The launch of the project took place during the inauguration of
e-Asia 2009 at the BMICH Colombo on December 2 amidst glowing tributes
to the President for his courageous leadership in the development of ICT
in Sri Lanka.
Partnered by The Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (TRC), the
Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA) and
the Intel Corporation, the project aims at providing each student with a
laptop by 2010.
The ceremony consisted in the handing over an 'Intel Classmate' PC by
President Mahinda Rajapaksa to a student who received it from the
President's hand after paying the traditional obeisance embedded in Sri
Lankan culture.
The Intel Corporation will be the main source in the provision of the
laptops. The Government on its part will exempt Intel from all taxes
otherwise applicable to the item.
Laptops go a long way in increasing ICT literacy. Speaking during the
inauguration of e-Asia 2009 during which the Intel-sponsored
laptop-to-every-student programme was launched, the President said that
the Government aimes to increase the country's ICT literacy from the
current 30% to 60% by 2012. When a student does not have a laptop for
his or her use he or she has to waste much time.
WSO2 Customer Chapdelaine & Co. Wins InfoWorld 100 Award
WSO2, the open source SOA company, Chapdelaine & Co. has been named a
winner of the 2009 InfoWorld 100 Award. Chapdelaine, a financial
services firm, was recognized for its innovative implementation of
service-oriented architecture (SOA) infrastructure for its trading data
exchange based on WSO2 middleware.
Every year, InfoWorld's editorial staff names 100 companies that have
made the best use of technology to enhance their business.
The InfoWorld 100 Awards celebrate IT projects that use technology in
smart, innovative, creative ways to meet business and technical
'We are excited to see Chapdelaine honored by InfoWorld for its
creativity and success in implementing an SOA that advances its business
goals,' said Dr. Sanjiva Weerawarana, founder and CEO of WSO2. |