Over 500,000 sit GCE O/L exam
Over 200 physically and semi-mentally handicapped candidates and a
batch of nearly 100 blind students will sit for the GCE (OL)
Examination, currently being held islandwide, the Examination Department
said yesterday.
Examination Commissioner General Anura Edirisinghe told the
Sunday Observer that approximately 405,257 school candidates and
5,017 private candidates will sit the Examination under the new
syllabus, and 7375 school candidates and 127,483 private candidates
under the old syllabus.
He said nearly 57 examination centres were also established with the
help of security personnel in the Northern Welfare camps to facilitate
the children of Internally Displaced Persons.
"We also opened an examination centre at the Borella Magazine Prison
for the benefit of a few young prisoners who are serving jail terms for
lesser offences," he said.
He said these prisoners are given the opportunity to continue their
education under a special rehabilitation program, initiated by the
Prison Department.
According to a senior security official over 4,000 police and Army
personnel have been deployed at examination centres islandwide to
provide tight security for students.