A decade of excellence
The Earl's Regency Hotel, Kandy is celebrating its 10th anniversary
this year with plans for an investment and expansion program.
For the past decade, since its establishment in 1999, the Earl's
Regency represented the best of 5-star hospitality in the hill country
hosting many local and foreign dignitaries and heads of State. Located
in the heart of Kandy, the Earl's Regency is today the flagship hotel of
Kandy, providing a range of modern 5-star facilities tastefully combined
with traditional hill country hospitality.
The Earl's Regency will embark on an investment program to position
itself as a high-end tourism service provider. This is in keeping with
the national vision of marketing Sri Lanka as a high-end tourist
As part of this plan the hotel will expand its luxury services to
include a new, international standard spa.
"The spa will be managed by an international spa company. This will
attract more demand for luxury hotel rooms and luxury services," said
Jeevaka Weerakone, the General Manager, Earl's Regency Hotel, Kandy.
As part of its expansion plans the Earl's Regency has also begun work
on a new banquet hall.
"We have commenced ground work to upgrade our services by introducing
a Grand Banquet Hall. This will definitely be the largest in the Central
Province," said Weerakone.
This year, the Earl's Regency will initiate plans to further expand
its room capacity from 104 to 125, to cater to the increased demand.
"The managing company, Aitken Spence Hotel Managements, has been a
pillar of support with their professionalism in the industry," said