AMCHAM discusses North, East development with Blake
The American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) and the US Embassy in Sri
Lanka co-hosted a roundtable discussion on reconstruction and
rehabilitation in the North and East and new development opportunities
which are available in the post-conflict era. The event took place last
week in Colombo.
The AMCHAM and the U.S. Embassy brought together business leaders
from leading corporations, representatives of regional Chambers of
Commerce and USAID for a roundtable discussion with U.S. Assistant
Secretary of State Robert O. Blake.
The companies which were represented were Hayleys PLC, Chemical
Industries (Colombo) PLC, Hatton National Bank, Brandix Lanka Ltd, Daya
Group of Companies and Aitken Spence PLC.
The Business for Peace Alliance of Regional Chambers of Commerce, the
American Chamber of Commerce in Sri Lanka and USAID's Connecting
Regional Economies (CORE) Project also participated. The business and
chamber leaders told Assistant Secretary Blake that there have been many
improvements in the Eastern region of Sri Lanka since the defeat of the
Tamil Tigers in 2007.
Because there are fewer security checkpoints, both trade and personal
transportation have improved. In addition, the roads in the East have
shown a dramatic improvement in the last two years.
The business leaders also explained, in the East has great potential
in agriculture, fisheries, tourism, and other areas. However, they said,
the North, which was just freed from the LTTE control in 2009, is not
yet as ready for investment as the East. Nevertheless, the fishing
industry has begun to rebound since the restrictions on fishing have
been lifted and the North has great potential for tourism. The business
leaders agreed that there are still a number of challenges to increase
economic growth in the East and North. Worker productivity is low for
agricultural production and industrial production, there needs to be a
significant training program, especially vocational training, to prepare
for emerging economic opportunities.
There is also a great shortage of water supply for agricultural
The East needs better transportation infrastructure to bring workers
to manufacturing plants.
Since the East has great agricultural potential, including in dairy
production, there is a great need for a cold storage supply chain to
bring fresh goods to Colombo and other markets.
The East could also benefit from additional investment to bring
technology transfer and new economic opportunities.
Finally, Assistant Secretary Blake and the business leaders discussed
how the Diaspora could assist with reconstruction in the North and East,
since its members have both resources and skills.
One possibility would be to involve the diaspora in public private
partnerships to provide additional educational opportunities in the East
and the North.