It is a time for

Christmas .. what comes to our minds when we hear this word? Gifts,
delicious food and new clothes? In fact, this is all that comes to the
mind of many modern day people because they are only seeing the festive
side of the event. They simply forget the most important aspect;that
Christmas is the commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Many forget
about Jesus and think only about enjoying themselves during the season.
Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace was born in a humble abode thousands
of years ago to set us free from our sins and bring peace and goodwill
to all.
There is a deep spiritual message surrounding His birth, so how
should we celebrate Christmas?Do people think of the spiritual message
and help the poor, the hungry and the needy at Christmas? No.
Even though most people have wealth and can afford to help others
they do not think of the less fortunate . Today Christmas has been
highly commercialised with Santa Claus ,Christmas trees and gift giving.
If you switch on the television you will see Santa carrying electrical
items and various goods as gifts.
It is all about monetary things. Christmas trees and all the
beautiful decorations are good provided people do not forget Jesus .Is
Jesus in our hearts as we celebrate His birthday?Let's enjoy ourselves
,but let 's not forget the true meaning of Christmas.Let's share our
blessings with the less fortunate too .
Ayesha Hiruni Tabitha,
Grade 8,
Bishop's College,
Colombo .
Tsunami - the great disaster
word tsunami was first introduced to the world by Japan. It was a
natural disaster which caused so much of death and destruction in
countries around the Indian Ocean when it occurred in Sumatra on
December 26, 2004. The earthquake which took place in the sea in Sumatra
was the main reason for this great disaster. All the other countries
close to Sumatra were also affected and more than a million people died.
It was mostly the coastal areas that were heavily damaged in Sri
Lanka. It was totally an unexpected disaster which struck on Boxing Day.
Several houses, buildings and even the railway lines were heavily
damaged. It was a very sad day for all the people in the world. Many
parents and children were separated from each other because of the
tsunami. Sailors as well as fishermen didn't return home. Several people
went missing and everyone was in a panic. After the disaster people from
all over Sri Lanka and abroad started helping those who were affected by
the disaster, giving them clothes, mattresses, food etc.
I thought that there would be a food crisis, but people from around
the world helped by giving financial and food aid.After a few days, the
Government made arrangements to provide temporary shelter and rebuild
houses for the victims. Even today many of those people are suffering
mentally, thinking about their losses. However, scientists are paying
more attention to the prevention of these types of disasters. So, let's
join together to help such victims, always.
Mohammed Hazeeb,
Grade 9,
Al - Manar International School,
Let's make this world a better place

Where there is peace, unity, independence, caring and sharing it is
always a good place to live in.
Living in peace and harmony with each other is something we must
learn from our homes or our families. We must live in harmony not only
with our parents but also our brothers, sisters, and grandparents. We
should all live together by following good virtues, loving each other,
showing kindness and helping each other.A child should be taught to
respect elders. Parents should also teach them spiritual values by
example. The family should be bound together with good principles and
When we are at school, we should carry these spiritual values we have
learned at home to the school. We must try to develop them inside the
school and the classroom. We must maintain unity, share our work and
also whatever we have and be helpful to each other as much as possible.
We must try our best to work according to the 'Five S' and be a model to
others. We must care for our friends during difficulties. Then our
schools will also be a better place to be in.
When we grow older we have to learn to live with the community. There
we may meet many people with different ideas and qualities, but we must
not forget the values that we have learnt from our family and the
school. We must use these qualities inside the community. We must live
and work together as members of one big family.
If we behave like this, the world would certainly be a better place
to live in, forever.
M. Prabhasara Kanchani Leelarathne,
WP/Taxila Central College,
Celebrating the New Year

Even in Sri Lanka the New Year which dawns on January 1 is
celebrated. This is an international event. All the people, Sinhalese,
Tamils, Muslims and Burghers celebrate this day because it is the first
day of the year.
Most people cook milk rice and special food and enjoy themselves.
Many items in the shops are sold at special sale prices. All the streets
and shops are crowded and very busy when it's close to New Year's Day.
Friends relatives and neighbours exchange cards and gifts. At midnight
on December 31 people light fire crackers to welcome the New Year. It is
celebrated not only in Sri Lanka, but also in other countries; sing
songs, dances, plays and special parties are organised to usher in the
New Year.
Children get back to school after a long holiday in the New Year with
new books and new uniforms.
It is a very happy day for most of us. We wish our new class teachers
and other teachers for the new year and sometimes meet new students too.
We start a new syllabus in the New Year as we have been promoted to new
F. Nishra Nasar,
Sacred Heart Convent,
wonder of the universe
The universe is the space around the Earth. In the universe there are
many planets. Some of them are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus and Neptune. Pluto was once a planet, but now it's not. We can
live only in our planet Earth because there is fresh air - oxygen and
water. We get light from the Sun. It is a big star. But there are stars
bigger than the Sun. They are called Super Giants. There are many stars
in the universe.
Our scientists are searching for life in other planets. But they
haven't yet found any such evidence.This universe is bigger than we can
even imagine and very wonderful too.
W.K. Milan Swanthra,
Grade 4-B,
Rahula College, Matara. |