The Holy Birth!
"Long time ago in
Bethlehem, so
the Holy Bible
Mary's boy child,
Jesus Christ,
was born on
Christmas Day"
Yes, as all followers of Jesus Christ knows, the Bible tells us the
story of His birth which took place more than 2000 years ago, according
to the holy scriptures.
not only His followers, but even non-Christians around the world are
familiar with the events surrounding the birth of Jesus, the son of
Joseph and Mary, in a little town called Bethlehem.
Even though Jesus' earthly parents are Joseph, a carpenter and his
young wife Mary, it is the belief of all His followers that Jesus Christ
is the Son of God who was sent by God into this world to save all
mankind, and bring peace to this world. And so, he is called the Prince
of Peace and is the spiritual leader of millions of people around the
world. The exact date on which Jesus was born is not known but, His
birth is commemorated each year on December 25, as decreed by the
religious leaders of ancient Rome.
Christmas therefore is a celebration of this holy birth which took
place amidst many difficulties and hardships; Joseph and his young wife
Mary, who was in the last stages of her pregnancy, had to travel many
miles across the desert to Bethlehem on a donkey due to a census that
was being carried out at that time. Imagine how tired they both would
have been when they finally arrived in the town of Bethlehem. But did
they find a comfortable place to rest and refresh themselves? No. They
had to hunt desperately for a place to spend the cold night in.
Why couldn't baby Jesus be born surrounded by luxury, especially in a
palace, if He was the Prince of Peace? Well, this great event of His
birth happened exactly according to what the holy scriptures had said.
Jesus was to be born in humble surroundings with no fanfare because He
had a special mission to fulfil on this Earth. His birth which took
place in a manger surrounded by animals has great significance. He came
down to Earth to save all mankind and bring goodwill to men. So, if He
was born into wealth and luxury, the poor world have felt they were
excluded. But by being born in a manger (in a cattle shed), He
identified himself with the poor. He also taught us the value of
humility. Even the fact that the joyous message of His birth was given
first to humble and poor shepherds, by God's angels teaches us many
important lessons.

Of course, even wise men from far came to see Him, following a bright
star they had seen in the sky. These Three Wise Men from different
lands, who came bearing rich gifts for the new born king would certainly
have been utterly amased to find baby Jesus, wrapped in cloth, lying in
a trough in a stable. They followed the star, as prophesied long ago,
and travelled thousands of miles to see a king and what did they
encounter? But, the Wise Men were not dismayed or disappointed. They did
not turn away and go back home. They paid homage to baby Jesus. So,
there's a powerful spiritual message we all should take into heart,
surrounding the Holy birth in a manger.
Even though over the years, the spiritual significance of the birth
of the Prince of Peace has been overshadowed by the tinsel and trappings
of commercialisation, the message of love, peace and goodwill still
stands strong. It is this spiritual message we should all focus mostly
on as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, amidst all the
Christmas trappings; the decorated tree, yummy food, cake, gifts,
firecrackers and sparklers, and of course, Santa.
Remember, that it is His birth we are celebrating, share the joy of
this significant event with the world, in peace and goodwill. |