Teflon was invented in 1938 by a
DuPont research chemist named Roy J plunkett. One day he was
experimenting with a coolant called TRE (tetrafluoroethylene) to
establish its suitability for refrigeration purposes.
For some reason, the pressurised cylinder of the gas filled earlier
by Plunkett’s assistant failed to discharge properly when the valve was
opened. Throwing all safety rules out of the window, the pair decided to
cut it open to see what had happened.
Instead of a violent explosion, they found that the gas had
solidified inside the cylinder to form a strangely slippery white
powder. Indeed, tests revealed that it was the slipperiest substance in
existence. It was also inert and had an extremely high melting
point.DuPont registered Teflon as a trademark in 1945 and started
marketing products coated with the miracle lubricant the following year.
Since then, Teflon has not only been used for millions of frying pans,
but also in microchips, rocket shields and space suits.
The product was immortalised as the nickname of the supposedly
unprosecutable New York gangster John ‘Teflon’ Gotti (nothing would
stick) and has even been applied to the creaking joints of the Statue of
Here are a few other accidental innovations that deserve at least a
mention: saccharin (artificial sweetener), Scotchguard (aka Sellotape),
the band-aid, the frisbee, the sandwich, Silly Putty, x-rays, vulcanized
rubber, and safety glass.