Lord is my light!
You gave me light to lead this life
You never left me as you promised
Thirsty souls get water from you
Impossible things are possible with you
You take our burden from our shoulder
You fulfil our wishes according to your word
In my troubles you are with me
I owe you a lot, my dear Lord
We are no more poor 'coz of you
Weak body gets mighty strength
You bring healing and health to us
You wipe our tears as you care for us
Rough places you make smooth
Blind could see 'coz of you
Lame walk as you are a wonder working God
You look after us as the apple of your eye
You are my refuge I'm not afraid
You said 'Fear not' as you are with me
You are my strength and my dwelling place
I love you Lord as long as I live
Now I'am the light according to your word
A star!
In the cold night
Up in the sky
A star shone bright
To proclaim to all the people on earth
Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour's birth
In the cold dark night
The shepherds sigh
On them the star shone bright
To guide them to the stable all forlorn,
To adore Baby Jesus Christ who was born.
The three wise men
Saw in the sky
A star guiding them
Longing for Jesus they searched with patience
To offer their gold, myrrh and frankincense
In this world full of crime
Everyone - you and I
Like the star must shine
To proclaim repentance without delay
If we wish Jesus to be born in us today
Emilda S. Douglas
O, tsunami!
December 26, 2004
Can never be forgotten
But ever remembered
By all Sri Lankans
Both saviours and witnesses
Of the so-called 'tsunami'
The greatest natural disaster
In the history of Sri Lanka
Which attacked the coastal belt
Taking 40,000 odd lives
On that Unduwap Full Moon Day
Much sacred to Buddhists
O, wicked 'monster' tsunami
Thou taught us a worthy lesson
'That life is impermanent
All riches are like paper-boats'
In a split second, you flattened
Luxury mansions to the ground,
Millionaires were turned refugees, The relentless tide
Rose about 60 feet high
Invading the land, caring nobody
High or low, young or old
Beggars and millionaires
Were dashed like ants
By the roaring waves!
Any way, thou can't be blamed
Since humans aroused your wrath
By polluting thy golden beaches
by killing thy dazzling fish
Dancing with your waves
In thy emerald waters
Thy patience broke its limits
And acted furiously
Teaching many lessons to humans
Leaving a myriad problems
That's more than enough
We appeal you, O, tsunami
Not to come again!
Malini Hettige
Tsunami - never come back
Our innocent people.......
Changing everything.......
Sunshine into darkness.......
Laughter into tears.......
Happiness into sorrow.......
In a horrible manner.......
Tsunami arrived.......
Dark waves rolling.......
Like a monster growling.......
Destroying everything.......
It came.
Creating a thunderous noise.......
No one could have a choice.......
tearing everything into pieces.......
Causing death.... to the innocent.......
Tsunami arrived.
Making our island a horrible grave.......
Killing the innocent and the brave.......
Taking breaths.......
Making threats.......
To helpless people.......
Destroying their lives.......
And making them orphans.......
Tsunami arrived.
Our beautiful island.......
Became a wretched hell.......
The Pearl of the Indian Ocean.......
Became an empty shell.........
You destroyed our happiness.......
So wicked, wicked tsunami,
Never come back, again!
- Helma Kamalasuriya