The Black Australian
Chapter 10
Bitter honeymoon
The sea stretched out in all directions, and the water was calm as a
monk in deep meditation. The blue was transparent and continuously
absorbed energy from warm sun rays that penetrated the thin waves of the
ocean. When the boat reached the designated diving spot, Rajini threw
her bathing towel at Siri and jumped into the water like a fish.
She disappeared underneath with the guide and a few other divers.
Except for the water bubbles coming out from the breathing apparatus
under, there were no signs of life in the ocean. Siri felt as if a large
blue blanket kept millions of secrets away from him. The blue water had
gone into a deep sleep. The ocean moved slowly, but rhythmically, and
seemed to hold the divers under its power. Siri held a little tighter
onto the bathing towel.
Fifteen or twenty minutes later, the divers resurfaced. Siri sighed
with relief and handed Rajini the towel. She removed her diving suit and
hugged him. Siri noticed the admiring eyes of the other divers as they
gazed at Rajini's slender body wrapped in her bathing suit.
As she embraced him tightly, Siri smelt the sea salt emanating from
his wife. He closed his eyes and thought of her exotic vanished perfume
scent that had attracted him on their first encounter.
When the Mauritius air plane descended at Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam
International Airport near Mahbourg, Siri felt as if he had returned to
Sri Lanka. He was attracted to the palm trees and the tropical weather
A white limousine was waiting for them outside the arrival lounge.
Rajini had made arrangements to stay at Wolmar for a couple of days
before moving to Trou Aux Biches, a beach resort situated on the North
West Coast.
It was commonly regarded as an excellent place for snorkelling and
Rajini had made arrangements for snorkelling in the deep water off the
The schedule of the following day included a trip on a special
cruise. As they boarded the vessel, they were greeted by their tour
guide, a well-tanned Frenchman.
Bonjour, Madam. Je m'appelle Robert. Je suis content de vous voir."
[1] 'Bonjour, Robert. Je m'appelle Rajini. [2] She said and disappeared
on to the other corner of the boat without introducing her husband.
Vous tes Australienne? [3] No, je suis Sri Lankan! [4] Siri said and
smiled to mask his anger.
"Y a-t-il un guide qui parle Anglais? (5) Siri questioned the guide
Of course I speak English! replied Robert. He explained, Madam had
filled this form out in French, I thought you came from a French
speaking part of Australia! I meet a lot of Canadians from Montreal who
speak a dialect of French. No I who did fill in the form in French! Yes,
we also speak a special French dialect in Australia! You need special
language training to speak Australian French! Siri, joked changing his
tone this time.
The sea stretched out in all directions, and the water was calm as a
monk in deep meditation. The blue was transparent and continuously
absorbed energy from warm Sun rays that penetrated the thing waves of
the ocean. When the boat reached the designated diving spot, Rajini
threw her bathing towel at Siri and jumped into the water like a fish.
She disappeared underneath with the guide and a few other divers.
Except for the water bubbles coming out from the breathing apparatus
under, there was no signs of life in the ocean. Siri felt as if a large
blue blanket kept millions of secrets away from him.
The blue water had gone into a deep sleep. The ocean moved slowly,
but rhythmically, and seemed to hold the divers under its power.. Siri
held a little tighter onto the bathing towel.
Fifteen or twenty minutes later, the divers resurfaced. Siri sighed
with relief and handed Rajini the towel. She removed her diving suit and
hugged him. Siri noticed the admiring eyes of the other divers as they
gazed at Rajini's slender body wrapped in her bathing suit. As she
embraced him tightly, Siri smelt the sea salt emanating from his wife.
He closed his eyes and thought of her exotic vanished perfume scent that
had attracted him on their first encounter.
A large wave emerged suddenly and rolled their boat towards the
shore. Siri was happy to be in the shallow waters and could not stop
smiling when he stepped back on dry land. Rajini lingered on board until
the others had left to thank the guide.
"Merci pour votre hospitalit. "Je me suis vraiment amus. Au revoir."
[6] As her foot reached the land, Rajini was making plans for another
diving trip, the next day. You can go diving in Perth! Siri protested
when they returned to their hotel room. Siri's interest was focused on
another journey as he was keen to visit the burial grounds of Maha
Adigar, Ehelepola the Great, the leader of a successful coup against the
last Sri Lankan King, Sri Wickrema Rajasingha. Besides the interest in
Sri Lankan history, Siri was eager to visit the burial site because of a
distant kinship to Ehelepola from his mother's side. It was only family
folklore, but his mother believed that there was a real connection
through generations of bloodline.
When Siri explained to Rajini, Ehelepola's role in de-throning the
last King of their country, as well as his subsequent betrayal by the
British, and their failure to appoint him as vice-regent, and his
eventual deportation to the Mauritius, she responded: "Why do you want
to visit the grave of a Sri Lankan prisoner? We are not here on an
historical excursion!" "I want to know is how Ehelepola died at Pampla
Mousasou on April 5 1829," Siri responded.
"That's ancient history, Siri. We haven't come to Mauritius to learn
Sri Lankan history. This is our honeymoon, Mate! If you don't want to go
diving, let's go to a gym. We need to work on your flabby stomach!"
Rajini laughed.
"You have only got worried about my flabby belly now! I thought you
had seen it enough long before we came here on our honeymoon!" Siri
replied with a sarcastic tone.
Rajini spent the rest of their honeymoon diving and snorkelling while
Siri acted as a passive spectator of his wife's sea adventures. Siri
still could not understand Rajini's disapproval of his interest in
finding Sri Lankan roots in the Mauritius. Rajini did not offer any
further explanation other than repeating that she thought they had been
on their honeymoon.
Two weeks after Siri's unsuccessful attempt to visit Ehelepola's
burial ground, they returned to Perth.
Arriving at home, Siri felt exhausted and wondered whether their
honeymoon had done their relationship any good.
Disclaimer: All the people's names and places appearing in this
chapter are fictional and they do not represent anyone living or dead.
Foot notes:
Explantations of French phrases: Merci pour votre hospitalit. 'Je me
suis vraiment amus. Au revoir " Thank you for your hospitality. I had a
good time. See you later [1] Bonjour, Madam. Je m'appelle Robert. Je
suis content de vous voir. " Hello Madam. I'm pleased to meet you.
[2] Bonjour, Robert. Je m'appelle Rajini." Hello, Robert, I am Rajini..
[3] Vous tes Australienne? "Are you Australians?" [4] No, je suis Sri
Lankans!" No we are Sri Lankans! [5] Y a-t-il un guide qui parle Anglais?"
Is there a guide speaking English? [6] Merci pour votre hospitalit. "Je
me suis vraiment amus." Au revoir. "Thank you for your hospitality." I
had a good time! Goodbye.