Shivajilingam explains candidature
by Manjula FERNANDO
TNA Jaffna district parliamentarian and independent Presidential
candidate M.K.Shivajilingam said he decided to contest the forthcoming
Presidential Polls since TNA leaders were still on the fence over their
“We were on the stance that the TNA should field its own candidate.
Since the TNA was not going to do this I decided to contest as an
independent candidate,” Shivajilingam told the media after handing over
his nomination at the Elections Secretariat at Rajagiriya.
“Some of our leaders were of the view that we must equally support
the two main parties. That was the problem,” he said explaining why the
TNA refrained from fielding its own candidate.
“We have 22 members in Parliament. Twelve of us said we must not
support the two main parties while seven voiced the opinion that we must
field our own candidate.
Five were of the view the TNA should boycott the election,” he said.
The MP turned Presidential candidate said since they could not find
common ground on this issue and the leaders were indecisive, he
cameforth to contest the election as an independent Presidential
candidate representing the Tamil community. |