All restrictions on A9 highway lifted
By Dhaneshi YATAWARA
The government has lifted all restrictions imposed on civilian travel
on the A9 Road enabling citizens to travel freely to and from Jaffna and
other parts of the country.
“Any citizen can now travel on the A9 Road using either private
transport or public transport with no restrictions whatsoever,” Senior
Presidential Advisor, M.P. and Chairman of the Presidential Task Force
for Northern Development Basil Rajapaksa said.
Accordingly civilians can travel to and from Vavuniya and Jaffna
between 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. With the forthcoming Christmas and New Year
holidays people could visit their relatives in Jaffna, Rajapaksa said.On
a special directive from President Mahinda Rajapaksa the A9 Road was
opened for the public on November 13, enabling the transport of goods to
and from Jaffna. Initially travel was allowed on a special permits
issued by the Ministry of Defence, Law and Order. With improvements in
newly liberated areas the Government relaxed the restrictions imposed on
On March 02, 2009, almost after 24 years, the Government officially
re-opened the A9 Road to transport services of Security Forces. Even
though the 2002 Ceasefire provided for unarmed troop transport through
the LTTE-dominated areas on the A9 Road, the Government and the Security
Forces decided not to use that facility considering the risks involved.
However, with the complete liberation of the A9 Road and the North, the
Sri Lanka Army is now able to securely transport unarmed and armed men
as well as material via A9 road passing Medawachchiya.
The A9 Road was temporarily opened following the Ceasefire Agreement
but the LTTE maintained road barriers and checkpoints and charged high
taxes from the public who used the road. The road was completely closed
in August 2006 due to LTTE attacks.