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Fonny's interview
Wedding Sam and Anura Prince, the two mouthpieces for Fonny, were
perturbed to see banner headlines in a Sunday newspaper to which Fonny
has given a controversial interview. "You put all of us in trouble. We
try to secure you some votes, but you are making statements which could
lose more votes," Wedding Sam told Fonny.
Action pictures
Fonny wanted to show the masses that he is not just a soldier, but a
true villager. So he went to his native town of Goda that is Ambalan and
employed a professional photographer to capture some action for his
propaganda. A picture of Fonny rowing in the Madu river was released to
newspapers, but Ra-Blue was angry that Fonny is trying to beat him on
the village touch.
Sa-Jeet ignored
Poor Sa-Jeet Love-slave once again became a victim of Ra-Blue
Fearing that Sa-Jeet would be a threat to party leadership, some
party seniors managed to abolish the Elephant Party's National Organiser
post, as we predicted last week. That is after poor Sa-Jeet put up
posters, thanking the party for appointing him to the post.
Ka-Roo the frog
To take revenge for conveniently ignoring him, Sa-Jeet Love-Slave
`had a shot' at Ka-Roo Victory-suriya. "When I referred to Es Bee as a
frog for political crossovers, I was not merely referring to him. My
intention was to target Ka-Roo who betrayed the party before," Sa-Jeet
told a confidant.
Media boys
Fonny hosted some of his media confidants at a five star hotel last
week. But he made a big mistake! Many of Ra-Blue's inner circle `media
boys' were not invited.
Instead, Red scribes and veteran Green media men were in their
Ra-Blue, deeply perturbed by the move, questioned Fonny whether his
boys were unimportant.
Disturbing call
Ra-Blue was due to address a gathering of professionals in support of
the retired General. When Ra-Blue failed to turn up, Fonny rang the
Green leader on his mobile. But Ra-Blue was at a discreet meeting with
his happy and gay team and was mad at Fonny for `disturbing' them. "You
think I don't have anything else to do. I am busy and won't be able to
make it," Ra-Blue said. |