"I would like to help people, but incognito"
He is miraculous. You would hardly believe his predictability. But
you can't turn a deaf ear to his predictions. Because they are so
accurate to the point. He would tell you what happened in the past, what
is happening at present and what fortune or calamity would befall you in
future, in an extremely accurate way with exact time periods. He, I
don't say is a sage, but a man of exceptional and extraordinary
abilities. He has less attachment for mundane things. Yet he lives a
life of an ordinary human being, that you cannot at a glance guess he is
a miracle. He desires no huge financial gains, though he "very capable
of earning it". That is he who prefers withholding his identity,
requested me before I take off the clip of my pen to write about him,
"no photographs, no name please". I respect his request, so you forgive
me that I can publish in this article neither his name nor his
photograph, though it violates the codes and ethics of journalism, (It
is somewhere mentioned in this article of his proficiency of journalism)
I listened carefully to his story.
He was born to and raised in an ardent Buddhist family. The Buddhist
background of his family inclined him towards Buddhism, though he
studied in a missionary school in English medium. His school background
was completely Christian. He always had to associate with Christian
students, Christian fathers and foreign teachers. He studied
Christianity as a subject at school. He doesn't regret today for not
being able to study in a Buddhist school or study Buddhism at school as
a subject. He has reasons for not regretting.
That is to say he was inspired by his parents to explore deep into
Buddhism, though the school atmosphere was totally contradictory from
that of at home.
"My parents always engaged in deeper Dhamma discussions. I happened
to hear them often. Then the need of learning Buddhism arose in me.
Since I couldn't study Buddhism at school, I decided to attend a Dhamma
Buddhist children who attend missionary schools were not ardent
Because they have Christian influence at school. But our protagonist
remained a strong Sinhalese Buddhist preserving the proud culture. After
he attended Dhamma School, his knowledge of Buddhism increased in leaps
and bounds. His knowledge did not confine to mere theories. He practised
the noble Dhamma fervently. He adhered to five precepts of Dhamma
strictly. "I sometimes kept my mouth shut at school out of fear that I
would unintentionally tell a lie". Such was his observance.
He started to meditate at an early age of thirteen. Whenever he found
a leisure time, he had an admirable habit of spending that time under
meditation by which his mental power was improved profoundly.
"When I was about sixteen, my mental power was comparatively elevated
compared than that of an ordinary teenager," he tells me.
The turning point of his life was his journey to India as he
recollects at the age of nineteen, where he heard of and met a
phenomenal individual. "I vehemently needed to meet that Swami who was
renowned in Madras for his extra special mental prowess. I made a call
to the Swami introducing myself as Lee from Singapore. I was fortunate
enough to get an appointment. When I went to meet him the following day,
he told me that I am neither Lee nor from Singapore but so and so from
Sri Lanka. He told me exactly which part of Sri Lanka I live, my
parent's names, siblings' names, the name of the tree which was in front
of the house etc. accurately by which I was taken aback. He has such a
marvellous ability to tell about a person by merely listening to his
voice. Moreover, he had, without knowing my date of birth, time or place
prepared my horoscope accurately. Though I have heard of such miraculous
sages in books of history, it was beyond my belief that these types of
people still exist in this world," he reminisces.
Enthused by the mysterious mental prowess of that person his urge of
learning that fabulous art called Krishna Murthi arose drastically.
His need of learning Krishna Murthi drove him towards seeking
knowledge. He went to Himalayan mountains and met ageless sages who were
meditating there.
"Their mental power was enigmatically high. They would even tell you
the exact second of your death. I learned Krishna Murthi from them. I
studied a lot of ancient books on Krishna Murthi and many scripts in Ola
leaves. I did not understand the language they were presented in. Those
who were meditating in Himalayan Mountains were nice enough to translate
those scripts for me." He elevated his mental powers by being diligently
immersed in meditation.
"Yet I never applied my knowledge on astrology to earn my living. It
is common in Sri Lanka that people with nodding acquaintance of
astrology cheat people with their little knowledge. Those are fake. They
have no other means of living other than that. I would like to advise
people not to depend on them too much. It is obvious that astrology is a
lucrative career today.
The results are not apparent. Therefore those gurus would do some
poojas and charge thousands, perhaps they charge more than fifty
thousand, but innocent people live with the belief that they spent huge
money. They will not see any results." He blames fake Mantra Gurus. I
nodded in agreement of his statement and asked him if he has never used
his marvellous powers. He said "I helped my friends to get over their
problems. They were successful and those friends encourage me a lot." He
uses his mental powers to cure illnesses. "Unlike some racketeers, I
don't keep the patient with me and boast that I totally cure the person
with my power alone. I first send the patient to a doctor as soon as
possible and while the patient is being treated by doctors I do my
part," he verifies.
He has given life to his mother when doctors lost hopes of her life.
"And she lived quite long after that". Gleams the proud son.
"Once a person sought my help in curing his mother. I just told him
`She will be alright'. Though she was at a critical stage the previous
day, the following day she was alright as I wished to the wonder of
everyone including doctors," he relates.
He proudly claims that there is hardly anything he cannot do using
his exquisite mental powers. "If you want to be disguised you can do so.
A person who has a trained and advanced mental power he can do wonders."
He confidently remarks.
I posed him a question.
Why do you say that you differ from ordinary astrologers? I tell a
person from his previous birth. I am not blowing my own trumpet. I
assuredly tell you, all what I have predicted so far has come true.
Therefore people whom I helped are in constant touch with me.
I am not confined to palm reading or horoscope reading when I
foretell something or when I tell something what had happened in the
past. There is some divine force in me or may be around me. That is a
strong assistance for me when engaging in predicting something.
I feel that my power got elevated recently after my father's demise.
I understand he is in the heavens and always communicates with me. I
would say my mental power is more advanced than the astrological power.
I can read a person's mind correctly.
Since I am adhered to five precepts of Dhamma strictly, that too
provides an underpinning supportiveness for my power.
We don't chant a spell. I do every thing with my extended mental
(telepathy) power.
You said you did not like to do this as a profession. But now I see
people seek your help for their problems? If you see carefully there is
no queue at my place unlike at those so called astrology business
centers. If someone is really in a need, I do not turn down that
request. I wanted to help people. Because I saw how people were being
deceived by fake astrologers. Therefore recently I started to engage in
this fully. I do not need to advertise in papers or TV. Because my
genuine, honest and trustworthy work itself does advertising for me.
When people experience the difference in my way of solving their
problems, they spread the message to their close associates.
I spend not less than one hour with those who come to me. People of
all social backgrounds come to me and I render my service to them
Now I do this often but not as a profession.
What is your profession? I am an English teacher. I also lecture
English in a University not for students but for lecturers. I hope to
widen my scope by helping those who stay abroad. I plan to go to
particular countries and help those who are in trouble being unable to
communicate in English.
How about the creative writer in you? I can complete a short story in
45 minutes where other creative writers spend a week for that. I hope to
teach journalism. I have written screen plays, novels, short stories and
What made you to get into controversial political prediction? Once a
friend of mine who is a politician contacted me regarding one of his
problems. I helped him and told what would happen. It came about as I
predicted. Then he made a vehement request from me to continue political
All political predictions I have so far made came true.
I see many changes in the political field, but I don't publicize
them. That is my policy. If the respective person contacts me I would
convey that to him.
I tell you now I see a political crisis from December 17 to January
26. The political field will be turbulent during this time as never
before. If the country lose current leadership, I say, the country's
future will be pathetic. So, I advise people to think before they leap
because, once they elect an inexperienced, strict and undisciplined
leader, all the efforts taken to develop the country will be in vain.